Comments on: End of the Year Book Tag/2019/11/21/end-of-the-year-book-tag/Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:22:28 +0000hourly1 Whimsically Meghan/2019/11/21/end-of-the-year-book-tag/comment-page-1/#comment-5272Fri, 06 Dec 2019 21:54:30 +0000/?p=5160#comment-5272In reply to Anna @MyBookishDream.

Oooh yeah, if you’re a mood reader that wouldn’t work for picking seasonal books!
That’s me exactly! Pick a number and try to reach it… so far I’ve been able to accomplish it! I hope you reach your goodreads goal… if you haven’t already! πŸ™‚

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By: Anna @MyBookishDream/2019/11/21/end-of-the-year-book-tag/comment-page-1/#comment-5264Fri, 06 Dec 2019 11:26:44 +0000/?p=5160#comment-5264 I also don't make elaborate reading plans. I just set a number of books I want to read on Goodreads and I lower it at the end of the year if I'm behind. I don't need to stress myself out with making complicated reading goals! Great post!]]>I’m not much of a seasonal reader either, rather I’m a mood reader so I never know what I’ll be in the mood to read each season! πŸ˜‚ I also don’t make elaborate reading plans. I just set a number of books I want to read on Goodreads and I lower it at the end of the year if I’m behind. I don’t need to stress myself out with making complicated reading goals! πŸ˜‚ Great post!

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By: November 2019 Wrap-Up – Bony's Whimsical Explorations & Reviews/2019/11/21/end-of-the-year-book-tag/comment-page-1/#comment-5232Mon, 02 Dec 2019 23:17:24 +0000/?p=5160#comment-5232[…] Sunshine Blogger Award IX I Dare You Book Tag II End of the Year Book Tag The Unique Blogger […]


By: Whimsically Meghan/2019/11/21/end-of-the-year-book-tag/comment-page-1/#comment-5215Fri, 29 Nov 2019 21:52:57 +0000/?p=5160#comment-5215In reply to Norrie.

Haha! That’s one way of doing it! Hopefully you can actually read all of your ‘urgent’ reads! πŸ™‚

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By: Norrie/2019/11/21/end-of-the-year-book-tag/comment-page-1/#comment-5214Fri, 29 Nov 2019 16:08:00 +0000/?p=5160#comment-5214I’m not really planner either.
My wishlist really got out of hand though, so i basically just wrote a reminder for myself about books i defo want to read and not forget πŸ˜€ Have around 100 titles, categorized as “urgent” πŸ˜€

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By: Whimsically Meghan/2019/11/21/end-of-the-year-book-tag/comment-page-1/#comment-5208Fri, 22 Nov 2019 21:55:14 +0000/?p=5160#comment-5208In reply to Emer @alittlehazebookblog.

Haha glad I’m not alone! I like having a list of books that I pick from, that’s as much planning goes in ha!

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By: Emer @alittlehazebookblog/2019/11/21/end-of-the-year-book-tag/comment-page-1/#comment-5207Fri, 22 Nov 2019 06:36:57 +0000/?p=5160#comment-5207I’m so with you Meghan! I can’t plan to read either. Far too stressful plus I’m far too moody for a set TBR. I just have to read with the flow lol!!

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