
I Should Have Read That Book Tag

Hi guys! Happy Thursday! I hope you all are having a great week! Today I’m coming at you with the I Should Have Read That book tag. I was tagged by Lauren @Twenty-Seven Letters, thanks Lauren! If you’re not already following her, give her a follow she’s super nice! ☺️

The Rules

  • Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post.
  • Link to the creator’s blog in your post
  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag 10 others to take part in the tag
  • Enjoy the tag!

A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read

I wouldn’t say a ‘certain’ friend is always telling me to read, but one that a lot of people have been telling me to read for years is The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Yes, I get it, everyone thinks it’s amazing… I’ll get to it… one day!

A book that’s been on your TBR forever and yet you still haven’t read it

Well, The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon has been on my bookshelf for almost 3 years now… one day I’m going to read it… I swear!

A book in a series you’ve started, but haven’t gotten around to finishing

I’m going to use the same answer as Lauren! I read Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake ages ago… have I picked up any of the other books in this series? Nope. Will I ever? Maybe. I wasn’t a huge fan of the first book, but I did find it interesting… maybe this is a reminder for me to read book number two!

A classic you’ve always liked the sound of, but have never actually read

Oh, all of them? I think I like the idea of reading a classic… than actually reading one 😅
I have Oliver Twist on my shelf that I should really get to.

A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read

Thorn of Glass. Everyone, I mean EVERYONE has at least read the first novel in this series… me I have not. Nor do I have any notion to want to read this.

A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but just haven’t picked up yet

I gotta really think about this. Oh I know, Let It Snow… for years I’ve wanted to read the book, but then the Netflix movie came out last year… and I caved and watched it. Will I read the book? Hmmm maybe.

A book you see all over Instagram but haven’t picked up yet

How about all of them? 😅 Now that the movies are out… which I realize I could have used for the question above, but To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before I feel like I’m seeing everywhere. It’s really pulling me to read them!


Emer | Alex | Marie | Nikita | Jenna | Lauren |

Feel free to ignore if you a) don’t want to do or b) have done this before. If you see this and aren’t tagged, feel free to give this a go!

21 thoughts on “I Should Have Read That Book Tag

  1. Thank you for the tag, darlin’! I feel you on “The Night Circus” — I’ve been told by a lot of people that I should read this, but I just haven’t gotten around to it ha-ha!

    Three Dark Crowns! That’s another one I keep forgetting about …

    Thorn of Glass — I don’t think I’ll actually end up reading it either to be frank. Like — part of me wants to, but it’s just such a large series and I don’t want to invest in it when I might not end up liking it later on ha-ha!

    I do want to watch “Let It Snow”! It looks super cute! But I want to read the book first ha-ha!

    “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” is a cute series. I had a FEW issues with it, but I don’t regret reading it at all. I really love Lara Jean! She’s such a sweetie!

    Great post and answers, darlin’! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! 😀
      Right?! Maybe one day I’ll read it! Maybe you’ll get to it before I do! Ha!

      Right?! I forgot about it until I saw Lauren mention it and I went huh, yeah I read the first book, maybe I should read the second.

      YES! I’ve heard so many people say they hate the way the series went that I’m like why bother?

      It was super cute… I just went ahead and watched it because I knew if I waited until I read the book, I’d never watch the movie! 😛

      Aw! I am so ready to love Lara Jean!

      Thank you!! 😀 💞

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  2. Thank you for the tag, Meghan! ❤ I love these questions, so it will be fun to answer them. I read the “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” series and I really, really enjoyed it! I enjoyed the movies too. I’ve also heard a lot about The Night Circus and I haven’t picked it up yet. Hopefully, I will, soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! 🙂
      I’m really curious about To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, so I’ll have to give it a go soon!
      Hopefully you enjoy The Night Circus when you read it! 🙂


  3. Thanks for the tag Bony… this seems familiar! Maybe I’ve done it before?? Lol I have no clue *cries laughing* I wouldn’t listen to all those people praising the night circus LOATHED IT SO I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha Gosh I do love an unpopular opinion XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome!! Ha! If you’ve done it before feel free to ignore me!
      You make me laugh! 😂Your opinion towards books you hate is honestly the best!

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  4. Aah! I love this tag! 😀 There are SO MANY BOOKS I should have read… and there are even more books I want to read one day. I don’t think it’s possible to keep up with all the new releases and back log, and classics and what not (sadly…)

    I actually read all Throne of Glass books, and they weren’t as bad as people say they are. I actually grew very attached to those characters by the end of the series and was sad to see it end. The Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy was definitely much worse D:

    Thank you for tagging me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh gosh! I know what you mean! It’s so hard to keep up with ALL THE BOOKS! It gets overwhelming at times! 😅

      Oh really? It’s funny I’ve actually read The Court of horns and Roses, I thought they were alright. It’s the only Sarah J Maas I’ve read. I wouldn’t re-read them, and the sad thing is I don’t really remember much about them, so they clearly weren’t memorable! 😂

      You’re welcome! I can’t wait to read your answers! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahh the Night Circus is one of these books everyone told me to read, as well ahah. I finally caved two years ago and I ended up enjoying it, even if it took me a while to get to it. I’d be curious to hear what you think! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to hear you’ve enjoyed it! For the most part, everyone has really liked it, hence why it was recommended to me… but I just don’t see the appeal right now. Maybe one day I’ll read it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel like it’s a book you REALLY have to be in the mood for, so… no rush ahah. It’s so atmospheric and when you’re in a right mood for it, I think you can love it 🙂

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