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Review: Feel Free

Hi friends, happy Wednesday (the last one of the year!), I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the holiday season! Today I’m going to be posting my last review of the year, Feel Free by: Zadie Smith.

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Feel Free

Feel Free by: Zadie Smith: This was a collection of essays that author, Zadie Smith has written throughout the years, with probably some new ones in between on her thoughts on life, on culture and just anything. The reader actually really enjoyed this collection. There were obviously some essays that didn’t connect with them as much as others, but for the most part, there were more good ones than boring or ones the reader wasn’t interested in. They really liked how free Smith felt in her thoughts and how open she was; it really let us grasp at the person she is and how she views the world. It was so interesting to read her perspectives as a biracial woman and to listen to her experiences and to see how she felt she fit into the world. She has a way of captivating her audiences with her storytelling in a way that her fiction writing hasn’t for this reader; but after reading this, this reader feels like they can read her fiction with more of an appreciation and a better understanding of who she is as both a person and an author. She mentions in this that these are just the ways she feels and that everyone is going to have a different experience from her, and that feels totally valid. She wrote with care, but she always wrote with a purpose and it was just an overall enjoyable experience to read her words. She definitely had a different outlook on life and it was fascinating to gain that other viewpoint that you may not have thought before. This was a well worth it read for expanding your thought process and learning about the world we live in.

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