Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #17 ☁️

Hello friends! Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading! I hope you’re all continuing to stay safe. Today has been very dreary, but for the most part has been an okay day. I had lunch over WebEx with my team and it was nice to see everyone again after not seeing them for many weeks!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 359
On page 298
On page 177









The Stand: I’m 31% of the way through; I got some really good chapters this week! The exposition was really good, even if it was really creepy and eerie how similar it sounds to COVID-19.
Specials: I’m 77% of the way through; I have to say, my faith has been slightly restored in this series! This plot just took this turn and I’m now quite invested to see what Tally is going to do, can she even trust Shay anymore? I have so many questions!!
Lastly I’m reading Anger is a Gift by: Mark Oshiro… after having this on my TBR all month, I’m finally getting around to reading it! I’m enjoying it, I can tell this is going to be very hard-hitting and poignant.






I finished my fifth O.W.L. last Thursday, Chain of Gold by: Cassandra Clare. As I mentioned in last week’s WWW I was surprised by how good it was… and I don’t know why I was. Clare’s novels all look really long, but they are actually really fast-paced that it goes by quickly, and I actually really like her characters too. Sorta glad I started this new series because I really liked it, but not glad because I fear I will never leave this world 😅
I also finished reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Slytherin Edition) to finish up my O.W.L.S. I can now say that I completed my first ever O.W.L.S and I’m quite proud of that! I very much enjoyed going back into this world… so much so that I can’t wait to go back… I may be re-reading the whole series… who knows! The Slytherin edition was really fun to read; I love how much detail is put in and the added house information was very cool to read!
Lastly, I finally, finally finished reading Emma by: Jane Austen. It only took me all month (although I’m blaming my OWLS from putting this on hold!) to read this, but I’m so glad I did! I enjoyed it so much, definitely a lot more than I thought I was. I can see this being a potential re-read in the future!



Now that my OWLS are done and completed I feel free to read as I choose. I’m putting The Bone Season by: Samantha Shannon because after three years on my shelf it’s about time I read it, plus the other 2 books in this series that I bought came in the mail today… so I see no better time! I’m also adding Almost Adults by: Ali Pantony too in case I decide to change my mind.

What are you all reading?

9 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #17 ☁️

  1. I love Cassandra Claire’s fantasy books too. My first series from her was the Mortal Instruments. Have you read it? Is it similar to Chain of Gold?


    1. Yes I’ve read the Mortal Instruments! I’ve been reading Clare’s books since I was in high school, and TMI was my first series by her too. I would say yes, very much so, as her Shadowhunter universe has characters who are all connected and related somehow. I think you’d like Chain of Gold if you like TMI!

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