
Listicle Tag

Hello everyone, happy Thursday! I hope everyone’s week is going well. Today I’m going to be doing the Listicle Tag. I was tagged by both Lois & David @LoisReadsBooks and Birdie @Birdie Bookworm. Thank you both of you! Let’s get started!


  1. Create your own listicle tag, using the prompt from the person who tagged you.
  2. Tag the creator of the post (not-so-modern-girl!) so that I can read all your brilliant posts and see how the joy of listicles is being spread.
  3. Nominate as many people as you want!
  4. Set those people the subject/prompt of their listicle post!

5 Books you would recommend the next generation to read!

  1. This is always going to be The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Inspiring, and a great piece of work showing the not so pleasantย attributes of being forever young.
  2. Fan Girl by: Rainbow Rowell. Teaches a lot of lessons in writing and reading.
  3. The Book of Awesome by Neil Patricha. This makes you stop and remember the good in life.
  4. Any Stephen King book (although 11/22/63 is my favourite) to see how horror and terror is done right.
  5. Also anything by Roald Dahl. (My favourite being The BFG) All of his books have such great meanings behind them, great for children and adults alike!


Name 5 Exceptional Book to Movie Adaptations

  1. First and foremost Harry Potter was done really, really well.
  2. The Last Song. From the book by Nicholas Sparks, my favourite of them all, and I know that things got changed but it still told the story and got the point across.
  3. The Time Traveller’s Wife. From the book byย Audrey Niffenegger. This was done really well.
  4. The Da Vinci Code. From the book by Dan Brown. I enjoyed all of those movies, they were just as good as the books. Or well I thought at the time… it’s been years since I saw those movies.
  5. Alice in Wonderland. From the book by Lewis Carroll. I liked both Disney remakes, they were both very well done.

Man I could keep going, there are quite a few movies I actually enjoyed.


I’m going to nominate just a few:

Beth @Reading Every Night
Anna @My Bookish Dream
Lauren @Wonderless Reviews

My prompt: Top 5 places books have made you dream of going.

I have vacation on the brain, I just got back from Nashville!

Thank you guys again for the tag, this was lots of fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

15 thoughts on “Listicle Tag

  1. The Picture of Dorian Grey is such a fantastic book! I adore the movie for The Time Travellerโ€™s Wife, it’s actually one of my favourite movies. Although I haven’t read the book, for whatever reason. Also the Harry Potter movies are amazing! Thank you for tagging me. ๐Ÿ˜€ โค

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    1. I actually just finished re-reading Dorian Gray, and it is just as good as the first time! Oh you should definitely read the book! It’s really sweet. You’re very welcome! ๐Ÿ˜€ I can’t wait to read your post!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for the tag Meghan. I’ve never seen this one before but I love books and I love making lists so it’s a combination of two of my favourite things! ๐Ÿ˜€
    I love Fangirl, it’s definitely a book everyone should read, an important coming-of-ages story! ๐Ÿ™‚ Also I love the Harry Potter and the Alice in Wonderland movie adaptations, all the Alice in Wonderland adaptations actually. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks again for the tag.

    Liked by 1 person

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