
OMG This Song Book Tag

Hi guys! Happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be doing the OMG This Song Book Tag. I was tagged by Lauren @Wonderless Reviews.Β Thank you for tagging me, and let’s get started! πŸ˜€

MY JAM – a song you MUST listen to every time it comes on, no matter how old or how many times you’ve listened to it / a book you’ll never get sick of.

Man this is hard because I have songs that I’ll always listen to, but sometimes when I’m really not in the mood I won’t listen to it. Anyways I’ll have to go with:

For The First Time by: The Script Β &
The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde


THROWBACK – a song that reminds you of the cringiest time of your life / a book that also reminds you of this time (or just something you wouldn’t like as much if you picked it up for the first time now)

Anything by Tokio Hotel really. Don’t get me wrong every once in a while I do like to go back and listen, but sometimes it’s a little cringe-worthy.

I’m going to have to go with the Gossip Girl books… even though I didn’t start reading them until I was a teenager.

REPLAY – a recent song you have on repeat right now / a recent favourite book

It’s been a while since I’ve had a song on repeat, but I’m going to go with a song that I used to have on my repeat list that I recently listened to again:

Inevitable by: Anberlin
Kitchens of the Great Midwest by: J. Ryan Stradal

GETS ME – this song IS ME / this book is me in book form

Probably I’m Not Okay (I Promise) by: My Chemical Romance
Once upon a time I would have said One Day by: David Nicholls, but not anymore, now I’d probably say FanGirl by: Rainbow Rowell.

WUT – weird but I like it? – a unique book that stuck out to you for whatever reason

I’d have to say anything by Cinema Bizarre. Super weird, but I still like it (even if I consider it cringe-worthy at times).

Can I say It by: Stephen King was weird, and I liked it? Because it was, and I did.

LET’S GO – best pump up song (for workouts or just life) – a book that inspired you

Right now I have to go with Despacito by: Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee & Justin Bieber. I know total main stream cop-out answer but it just reminds of good times with my friends.

I’m going with The Book of Awesome by: Neil Pasricha. It reminds me to be thankful and to stop to think about the little things in life.

CHILL – fav chill, relaxing song / a book you’d curl up with and read on a rainy day

Anything by City and Colour, I love that man (in the most unromantic way)

I can read anything on a rainy day to be honest. I’m going to go with any Stephen King book because doom and gloom πŸ˜€

ADDICTING – guilty pleasure song – one that’s catchy and addicting but not a whole lot of substance / guilty pleasure/trashy/fast/light read

Anything by Hannah Montana. That girl is my guilty pleasure, or possibly not because everyone knows I love HM πŸ˜›

I should have used Gossip Girl here, but I’ll go with The Fill-In Boyfriend by: Kasie West. That was a really, really, really fluffy read.

NOSTALGIA – throwback you look back on fondly / a book you read forever ago that you look back on fondly or reminds you of a happy childhood time

There are too many to count. I’m going to end this with Teenagers by: My Chemical Romance because 13-year-old me says so. πŸ™‚

A Series of Unforunate Events by: Lemony Snicket. I love those books, and I probably always will.

And that’s that. Thank you for reading. I’m not going to tag anyone this time around. But please feel free to do this tag if you feel inclined! Then let me know you did it!

9 thoughts on “OMG This Song Book Tag

  1. This seems like such a fun tag, and I loved reading your answers for this one as well Meghan. πŸ™‚ The only songs on your list I’ve heard of is Despacito, and that’s only because it seems to be everywhere at the moment, and For the First Time, I am a massive fan of The Script.
    Fangirl is a brilliant book, I think all of us can relate to it in some way or another. It could be me in book form as well! πŸ˜€
    Again great answers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay, glad you did this πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Great choices!! I’m Not Okay (I Promise) is one of my FAVE My Chem songs! I love Teenagers too. I really need to finish reading ASoUE. I think I’m up to book 4?? It’s such a fun series! I wish I had have read them when I was younger.

    Liked by 1 person

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