Movies · Reviews

Review: The Maze Runner Series (Movies)

Hello, today I’m going to be reviewing The Maze Runner movie series.

These movies are so well done, if you haven’t gone to see them, you definitly should check them out. Although if you get motion sickness, these films can make the viewer quite dizzy. But besides that, they are done really well!

The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner: The movie based off the novel starts off with the main character Thomas entering the Glade, not knowing anything, not even his name. The Glade is a place where only boys have been appearing every month for three years; that is until Thomas shows up and everything changes. He dares to go into the maze when no one else will, and strange things start to happen. The film was done exceptionally well, the filming could have been done a bit better, there was a lot of shaky camera angles to show that characters were moving rapidly, but it just made the viewer dizzy. But the actors played their roles really well, and the chemistry between them worked really well. The film even had this creepy feeling toward it because the viewer never knew what was going to happen, or who’s going to survive; it’s intense. Overall, the film was really well done and worth watching if you like adventure films.

The Scorched Trials

The Scorched Trials: The second movie in the Maze Runner series. Much like the first film, this movie was filmed with a lot of first person action sequences, and a lot of shaky cams. This really gives in to the whole effect that these characters are running for their lives from unnatural forces. Thomas and his friends have been saved from the Glade, and are now in a remote location. Once Thomas overhears the plans WCKD has for him and his friends and decides to take his fate into his own hands. They escape into the Scorch, deserted lands covered in sand from the storm, and infected with Cranks. Their only hope is to find the Right Hand, a group of fighters who can help them to battle WCKD. The only bad thing about filming with all the shaky cams was the motion sickness, and dizziness it caused the viewer. Otherwise it was a good film device. The film was done well; the plot was good, and the actors who played the characters worked well with each other. The directors did a good job with the scenes, they didn’t make them too long they kept them to the point, and left them just long enough to get the point across. Although the film was over two hours, it could have been cut down a little bit, but overall this was a great film, and worth it if you’ve read the novel before hand.

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