Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Sky Weaver

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m posting my review of book three in the Iskari world, The Sky Weaver by: Kristen Ciccarelli.

You can read my review of book one: The Last Namsara
You can read my review of book two: The Caged Queen

The Sky Weaver

The Sky Weaver by: Kristen Ciccarelli: Safire is a solider sworn to serve the King of Firgaard. Eris is a pirate known as the Death Dancer; both know their roles in their worlds, but when both of theirs come crashing into one another, the lines begin to blur. Known enemies, the two are both after the same person, the last Namsara, but for completely different reasons. It then becomes a search as their two lives start to interweave with one another. This was another great novel in this trilogy; although calling it a trilogy doesn’t feel right because there could be so many other stories within this world that the author could decide to write in the future, so this was another great novel in this world. The reader loves this world and could read from it forever. This one dealt less with dragons and more with pirates and thieves, which was a lot of fun and a great switch up. The dragons were still present, but they weren’t the main focus. The plot overall was really well thought out and creative; it didn’t quite surprise the reader in ways in which the author might have intended, but it was still a joy to read and put all the pieces together. Ciccarelli’s writing is so good that just reading everything fall into place was satisfying and delightful. This novel also felt like there was a lot of pining going on between the two main characters; it wasn’t overly dramatic so it was bearable to get through, but it was different compared to the last two novels before this. It was an interesting dynamic because they went from enemies to lovers in a roundabout way that the reader felt like they weren’t sure if it was going to get there. There was also the thought that maybe one of them was just plotting and not actually feeling, which this reader was so torn on believing for a bit, so it made it really hard to put down because we had to know the outcome. This also made the pacing super-fast, too, so it was a very well developed arc. Plus, the characters were a lot of fun and they were developed well. It was nice to meet these new characters, but it was also great to see older ones, too and to see how they’ve also changed, too. Like for instance, the reader feels like Dax has gone through a lot of growth since we first saw him in book one. He went from being an unruly side character, to a main character who we still didn’t know if we could trust, but he developed so deeply that now he’s a secondary character we can actually like. The reader really enjoyed reading his journey, and the journeys of our two main characters as they fought through their own feelings and tribulations. In the end, this was such a great read with enjoyable characters and amusing and entertaining plots.

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