Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Luxe

Hi everyone, today I’m going to be reviewing Anna Godbersen’s series Luxe.

I wasn’t even sure I was going to post today because of birthday shenanigans (today is my birthday hehe), but I’ve actually found some time in my busier than usual day!

This is more of a series for young adults because it really services that demographic so well! But please don’t let that stop you from reading it! Let me know what you thought of this series!

The Luxe

The Luxe by: Anna Godbersen: The first novel in the Luxe series. We start off the novel by finding out the main character Elizabeth has died. It makes it seem like the novel is going to be a murder mystery, but nope, the author fools the reader and it’s a rather interesting tale. From betrayal to heartbreak, to public scandals, the novel is filled with love triangles to leave you guessing what could possibly happen next. Taking place in the year 1899, the help secretly mix with rich, and it becomes a novel where the reader tries to figure out how Elizabeth died. Could it be an unwanted marriage? her secret true love? Or betraying her best friend? You just have to read and find out. Crafty and witty, this novel is sure to keep readers on its toes.



Rumors by: Anna Godbersen: The second novel in the Luxe series. We pick up a few months after where the first novel left off. It’s still Manhattan 1899, and the rumors are running wild. Runaway maids thinking they can be high-class women, women’s stealing other women’s men, and our main character Elizabeth makes a return appearance. It’s another fun filled novel with scandal, backstabbing, and of course rumors. The novel is so juicy it’s like a guilty pleasure that you don’t want to put down. Event after event happens in the novel that the reader is just dying to know what happens next. The ending takes a turn for the worst, but it also leaves the reader aching for more. It’s definitely a next step up from the first novel!



Envy by: Anna Godbersen: The third novel in the Luxe series. This novel isn’t as great as the first two were, but it does serve its purpose, to fill in the gaps. In this novel more scandals happen, we learn new things about characters, other characters get together, some get married, and another gets her hands on a really big fortune. It really is one juicy gossip column. Though it’s not as engaging as its previous novels, the ending is definitely there to put the wow factor to give the novel a final punch. It gives the next, and final book something to look forward to. Overall, a worthy read if you’re going to read the series, because it does fill the reader in on what’s going on, but nothing rather surprising happened that made it an amazing novel, it was just filler.



Splendor by: Anna Godbersen: The final novel in the Luxe series. The stories of each character are at an all-time-high. The main character, Elizabeth is pregnant, and is set to marry so as not cause a scandal, but when things turn sour with her husband the reader can’t wait to find out what will happen, it’s a nail bitter. Her sister Diana is set to marry Henry, but does she really? As well Henry is trying to divorce his wife Penelope, but things take a wild turn with a Prince. And finally a maid turn princess overnight, Carolina is set to marry, but when he finds out who she really is, can he forgive her for lying? The whole novel was intense at every moment; the reader didn’t want to put it down. The final book is a masterpiece, quality writing with enough scandal to last you quite a while. The plotline kept the reader guessing what could possibly come next. It is a very good series about the late ninetieth, early twentieth century scandals.

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