Photography · The Every Day Life

Photo Blog: Springing Through Instagram Photos

Hi guys! Happy Friday, I’m here with another photo blog, but I’m putting my Flashback Friday on hold this week in order to look at some of my Instagram photos of the season!

I have to say I can’t complain about my Spring. I did lots of reading, I acquired a lot of books, more than usual, I got a new job that I’m liking, I saw one of my favourite bands, The Maine, and I went on a trip to Nashville, whew! I did A LOT; so nope can’t complain! Here’s to an even better summer! 🙂

As always you can follow me on Instagram @meghan___murphy
It’s always after I post one of these that I realize I don’t use social media as much as I’d like! 😛

Not going to lie, this was my first burrito ever.

Thanks for viewing! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Photo Blog: Springing Through Instagram Photos

  1. Great photos Meghan. I don’t have an Instagram account myself, I tried but could never really motivate myself to post most of the time, but I love these photos. That burrito looks yummy and the book pictures are amazing as well. You have some gorgeous books, ACOL and The Bone Season are two favourites of mine so the photos with those in are my favourite ones. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Beth! 🙂 I know what you mean, sometimes I forget to post and I can go weeks without posting. My goal for the summer is to post a little more. It doesn’t have to be books, but just post more. So far I’ve posted 3 times & it hasn’t even been a week into summer! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s all right. 🙂 For me when it got to six months without me posting I decided to throw in the towel and accept Instagram wasn’t for me. Well I hope you manage to keep up with your goal, maybe the rest of the summer will be better for you, we still have a while to go before we reach autumn. 🙂


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