Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Iron Man (trilogy)

Hello and happy Friday! Today I’m bringing y’all another Marvel review, this week it’s all three Iron Man movies!

Iron Man

Iron Man: Tony Stark, a billionaire inventor gets kidnapped by terrorists after performing weapon tests overseas. The terrorists then force him to build a very powerful weapon, but instead Stark builds an armoured suit to fight off the bad guys. This film was very entertaining, although there isn’t as much action to start, most of the action takes place near the end of the film. By doing this, it leaves the film ending on a very high note. The film starts with quite a few scenes that are more exposition than anything else, which is okay for the viewer since it gives them what they need to know. The plot as a whole is good, there are some parts that are a little dull and don’t feel like they add much, but then there are the really great scenes that make up for it. Robert Downey Jr. plays Tony Stark so well, he really makes his character come to life. Seeing Iron Man come to life and to see his origin was really fascinating. That last scene was so brilliant; they could not have ended this any better, it just leaves so much room for more to come, and let’s be honest, we all want more Iron Man.

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2: Now that everyone knows that Tony Stark is Iron Man, everyone wants a piece of him and his technology, including the military. Reluctant to share his secrets, as he afraid that the information could end up in the wrong hands, he then forms new relationships to help battle off his enemies. This film already surpasses the first film by a long shot. Not only is the first few scenes filled with hilarity but they are action packed as well. The comedy only gets better from there. Tony Stark’s turmoil this film is really something to see because it’s acted out so well. The female characters are such badasses in this film and they are portrayed so well. The relationship between Pepper and Tony is so palpable; the two are funny and cute to watch. Even the relationship between him and his best friend, Rhodey is so well written and played out. The plot overall was captivating and fully engrossing; watching all the characters interact with one another and the action scenes were all just really well done.

Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3: After saving New York, Stark is filled with anxiety and relies more and more on his suit to protect himself and everyone he loves. An enemy known as the Mandarin then turns Stark’s world to nothing but ash, now he has to rely on his instincts to save the people he loves. It’s incredible how Tony Stark gets better and better each movie. His wit has gotten sharper, whoever writes his lines is brilliant. It’s good to see Stark vulnerable because it shows that he’s not always a superhero, but a normal guy. It gives his character these dynamic flaws that make him human. This film also shows the growth of Pepper as well, she’s become an essential part in the Iron Man movies. The action is non-stop and really well done. The plot was engaging and fun to watch, although the beginning is a little confusing as to what is happening, but it slowly comes together. The fact that this film was set up like Tony was talking it all out in therapy was executed really well, and of course Stark added his comedic flair to make it hilarious; it wouldn’t be Iron Man without it.

6 thoughts on “Movie Review: Iron Man (trilogy)

  1. Great review for these films Meghan, I haven’t seen the Iron Man trilogy in so long that I can only remember the bare minimum of the films. I do remember really loving the first one, I didn’t even mind that it took a while for the action and the main story (and Iron Man himself) to appear. I loved the third one because it showed a more human Tony after what happened to him in the Avengers film, I thought that was an interesting take on his character you know?
    Again great reviews. 🙂 ❤

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  2. I have only watched the first Iron Man movie for some reason. I have no idea why I haven’t seen the other two yet, especially since I really enjoyed the first one. Tony Stark is one of my favourite Marvel characters, so I obviously plan on getting around to the second and third movie some time in the future. Amazing reviews Meghan! 😀

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