Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Bright Smoke, Cold Fire

Happy Monday friends! I hope your week has started off well! Today I’m going to be reviewing Rosamund Hodge’s novel Bright Smoke, Cold Fire.

Bright Smoke, Cold Fire

Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by: Rosamund Hodge: A mysterious fog has rolled in, leaving only the city of Viyara untouched. In order to save the city Juliet and Runajo, Romeo and Paris, all unlikely pairings, must come together to protect and fight against the city’s worst enemies. This novel was fast-paced, which made the reader just fly through the story. A Romeo and Juliet retelling with a twist. It was really fascinating and interesting, yet at the same time there was a lot happening that left the reader feeling a little overwhelmed by the plot. There were parts of the plot that were a little slow and felt like they dragged, but for the most part this novel was always in action. The character dynamics were rather interesting because they were characters that you wouldn’t think would be traveling together or doing stuff together, but they did. In the end, it all worked out and made for some good storytelling. The characters could have been more developed, it felt like the reader only got snapshots of them; it would have been nice to dive a little deeper. Aside from the lack of character depth and all the plots happening at once, this was still a really fun and entertaining read.

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