Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Infernal Devices

Hi, today I’ve decided to post another Cassandra Clare series. I think this week I’ll be posting the majority of her work. Today I’m reviewing The Infernal Devices trilogy.

I also read this series back in high school/university. I didn’t think I’d like a series by Clare more than the Mortal Instruments, but I was wrong. I liked this one better. A prequel to the Mortal Instruments comes the Infernal Devices. Taking place in the year 1878 we meet characters who have relevance to the modern day Shadowhunters. The writing in this series was just really well done, and the characters, I just loved them more; they felt more real. Again with the beautiful covers!

Clockwork Angel

Clockwork Angel by: Cassandra Clare: A new series from Cassandra Clare, based on her already existing series The Mortal Instruments. This novel is the first in the trilogy where we meet characters that have the same last names as the characters we met in the Mortal Instruments. Yet these characters live in the 19th century, and live in London. The plot to the story is when machines come alive; they aren’t going to play nice. These clockwork figures have all come alive to come after one thing. The girl. Tessa Gray, a shape shifter. She can morph into anyone who has passed, and they want her. It’s a very interesting read, and if readers are a fan of The Mortal Instruments series, this will definitely be something worth checking out. It’s got mystery, suspense, and even a little romance, there’s something there for everyone. Overall, it’s a beautifully created, and well written novel.

Clockwork Prince

Clockwork Prince by: Cassandra Clare: The second novel in the Infernal Devices trilogy. Instead of fighting clockwork machines, we are fighting the guy who runs them, Mortmain. The entire novel is based on finding him, and taking him down. Though that is the major plot, the underlining plot is simply love. This novel was filled with so much love that it was a bit overwhelming. Some parts were cute and made the reader truly think about true love, while others put love to the test. All in all it was a great novel. Set in the 1800’s in London, it was a great read, that left the reader wanting more. Clare has a way with words that leave her story feeling real because the reader really gets the feel for what it’s like in the story. The author truly put a lot of time, and thought into a lot of detail of how the places looked, and what they wore at that time. Overall, this novel had quite a bit of romance, and if you’re not into romances then this might be a bummer of a novel, but otherwise it hits on all the right plots, and all the right genre’s to make it a wonderful novel.

Clockwork Princess

Clockwork Princess by: Cassandra Clare: The last novel in the Infernal Devices trilogy. Tessa still loves both Will and Jem, though she is to be married to Jem. When all hell breaks lose and the population of Shadowhunters is compromised. The novel has moments of laughter, but it also has moments of surprises where the reader can’t believe what just happened. It was also a sweet ending to a trilogy where everything ended happily, but not in a cheesy sort of way. The writing, and plot twists were very entertaining to the reader, and the details the author put into the places, and their outfits was done rather well. Overall it was a great series, with fully rounded characters, and a great plot!


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