Children's Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Percy Jackson Series

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! Can you believe it’s the last day of September already?! I can’t, the last quarter of the year is going to go by really fast, I know it. Anyways! Today I’m going to be reviewing the Percy Jackson series!

I know, it took me a little while to read these, but I’m so happy that I did! 🙂

The Lightning Thief

The Lightning Thief by: Rick Riordan: Percy Jackson is just trying to make it through middle school without any problems, but trouble keeps finding him. When he’s thrown out of yet another boarding school, things are a little different this time around. Finding out that he may not be as human as he thought he was, he learns about this whole other life that he’s a part of. Not only does he find out about himself, but he must go on a quest to catch a thief and set the gods at peace again, or as much at peace as one twelve-year-old can. The novel was a great introduction to what feels like a really good series; the plot is this slow burn to the very end where in the last chapter things get very interesting. That’s not to say the whole book is a waste because it completely isn’t; from battle to battle, Percy’s quest was entertaining and action filled with a side of humour. The characters were definitely fascinating. Not all of them were fully rounded yet but the fact that there is still more to come in this story means there is room for growth. This was truly an enthralling read, where things sound like they’re going to get interesting.

The Sea of Monsters

The Sea of Monsters by: Rick Riordan: Camp Half-Blood is in danger; the tree that kept all the bad gods out has been poisoned. Percy takes it upon himself to find out who did it, why, and how to fix it. Not only this but Grover has found himself in a bit of a predicament and Percy has to save him. With the help from his friends and his new friend, Tyson, they get to work saving everything they love. This novel was just as exciting and adventurous as the first novel. The plot went in directions the reader didn’t see coming at all; the ending was a huge surprise that left the reader wanting to read the next novel asap. Aside from the high adrenaline plot, the characters were well done; the ones we’ve come to love grew and developed as the plots took them down new roads and new challenges. The new ones added to the story, and were created with precision and care that reader hopes to see more of them in future novels.

The Titan’s Curse

The Titan’s Curse by: Rick Riordan: Percy Jackson is once again ready for battle. He answers another call from Grover where they find two half-bloods who don’t know their parentage. The two turn out to be very powerful, and they can help fight the battle that the Titan lord, Kronos has set up for them. This novel, like the ones before it was entertaining and full of adventure. Riordan has a way with words where his dialogue is witty and his world building is growing with each book. The plot was well done and well thought out. With each novel that passes the stories get better, and the characters develop. As the characters grow older, we can see their dynamics with one another become better. We start to see more of Percy finding himself as a person, and we see his relationships with his mom and Annabeth change as he gets older, and it’s done so well. Riordan knows how to write a good novel about the gods that is fast-paced and full of action.

The Battle of the Labyrinth

The Battle of the Labyrinth by: Rick Riordan: Things are really starting to heat up as the battle between the Olympians and the Titans is ramming up. To help stop this war Percy and his friends have to go on a quest, a quest into the dark underground labyrinth. This novel took the reader on a wild ride through not only a labyrinth, but through strange islands and character emotions. This novel really touched on the emotions of characters, namely Annabeth and Percy, as the two of them try to navigate through them all. It’s by this, readers can see the transformation these characters are making from childhood to young adulthood. Riordan has done a really good job of aging them; he’s made them believable and relatable. Also throw in the mix a few new characters, one being a girl, and you’ve got one very enjoyable story. This fourth story has got a little bit of everything to satisfy the reader, and the fact that it’s done with a humoured undertone, makes it that much better.

The Last Olympian

The Last Olympian by: Rick Riordan: It’s all come down to this final battle, half-bloods verse the Titans and the outcome doesn’t look so good for the half-bloods. The prophecy surrounding Percy Jackson on his sixteenth birthday starts to reveal itself as Percy knows he must lead his army of half-bloods into the waging war. This novel was fairly good with its ups and its downs the reader wasn’t sure what to expect. What was done really well was the fact that Riordan brought all of his characters back, even if for one last time, it was good to get closure for them all. The plot was definitely engaging, as the world could pretty much end at any moment. The way it ended was also really sweet; the deke out ending was not expected, but at the same time it felt like Riordan didn’t want it all to end too perfectly so it worked out. These were really great books filled with Greek God history mixed with a little bit of humour and whole lot of adventure.

10 thoughts on “Review: The Percy Jackson Series

  1. Great review for this series Meghan, and oh I am so glad you loved these books as well. 😀 It certainly seemed like you enjoyed each book a little more than the last, I can see that clearly in your reviews, and I definitely agree about these books are filled with adventure, humour, and Greek mythology. 🙂
    Again great reviews. Do you plan on picking up the Heroes of Olympus books anytime soon? 🙂

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