TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Riverdale Season Six

Hi guys! Welcome to TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking all about Riverdale, season six.

I knew going into this season that I would question everything… but geez.

Alright so the whole, Jughead narrating things is super strange; not sure how much I like it… I don’t like it. It continues throughout and I can’t stand it.

Then we’re no longer in “Riverdale” but its shadow town, “Rivervale” and it’s basically the same town but different? So everything that happened in the finale of last season… was a dream?!

Damn, this is like a remake of Children of the Corn, where instead of corn, it’s maple trees. I don’t exactly like it here.

Archie is against everything Cheryl; he hates the fact that she’s taking all their town’s money in her town of Thornhill or whatever it’s called. Then slowly, one by one she leers everyone in the town to her side. She knows everything that is happening to everyone and she has an aid to help them, if only they’ll help her. 

Ok, so Rivervale has a new demon… can I even say new demon if it’s not “Riverdale”? Anyways, the weeping woman, Martha, La Llorona, whatever you want to call her has been summoned because at some point, Toni killed this Serpent’s son and now she wants revenge on Toni’s son.

La Llorona was drowned many years ago because she was blamed for murdering children, now she actually does kill children in demon/spirit form.

So Betty and Toni have to enlist Cheryl’s help to protect all the children. Why does everyone always need Cheryl’s help?!

In the end, Toni sacrifices herself so that her baby can live… so now she’s La Llorona? Where is this going?

Meanwhile, Jughead and Tabitha and Veronica and Reggie are facing demons of their own in their relationships. 

So now the devil has shown up in Rivervale?! Where are we going with this? He just comes in and tortures everyone, wants some souls… but why? So he takes Jughead and Reggie’s souls, he messes up Betty and Tabitha and Pop fight him off.

Wait, so is this season all about killing each of these characters off to different demons?! First Archie, then Toni, now Reggie and possibly Jughead and Betty.

The show takes a hard (ok harder) left turn and I have no idea what it has to do with the rest of the show, but we see Cheryl and all her past descendants try to give advice to the women of the town, only to be prosecuted by the men so all of them become outlaws of the town? What is the relevance here? Is it to show when the Blossom family was originally cursed? Cheryl’s forever alone sob story curse… all because a Blossom from long ago wouldn’t marry an abusive man.

WHAT?! Sabrina Spellman just appears to do a spell to help Nanna Rose pass… or so we’re led to believe. Apparently Nanna Rose is a witch… and is immortal; the day she was cursed she was also made immortal? WHAT IS HAPPENING? So now Cheryl has her soul…

Ok, I know this show is too much, but now? Riverdale and Rivervale are blending into one universe. People who were dead in one are now alive in another and now the ones alive are ending up dead… it’s freakin’ crazy and Jughead is caught between the two worlds. Jughead knows that Rivervale shouldn’t exist, so they’re going to try and recreate the moment of conception of Rivervale. Or they’re going to try and save the two worlds.

So they’re back in Riverdale and now that Betty and Archie have escaped death, they have super powers?! Archie is super strong and Betty can see auras, alright then.

And now Jughead has lost his hearing, but he can read minds now… ok?!

And Cheryl is no longer Cheryl. She’s Abigail. I thought it was her grandmother who did it, but now she’s helping to get Cheryl back. What is the point of this plot?!

Is Hiram actually dead? Veronica hires a hit man to kill her father… and he actually dies. They have a funeral for him and everything. Her mother returns and tells Veronica how jealous she was of the love between Hiram and Veronica… I was like seriously?! This poor girl has had terrible parents who always blame her for whatever. Come on.

Riverdale is trying to clean up its act and be better for society. This new guy, Percival, has shown up out of nowhere and is wreaking havoc like you wouldn’t believe. He was made to hate, and the guy does a good job because I can’t stand him. Let’s make us hate him even more by making him join the police force… and he’s joined the council too since he got rid of Toni.

So does Percival have powers too? He can just put thoughts in people’s minds. God, he’s turning the whole town against each other.

Alright, so not only does Archie, Jughead, and Betty have powers, so does Cheryl – she’s a Firestarter and now Tabitha can time travel. So now everyone who has powers is going to have to go up against Percival. 

It took a few episodes but now Veronica has powers too. She’s turning into spider woman… and she can kill with just a touch. So strange.

Oh yeah, we’re bringing the apocalypse to Riverdale.

So Cheryl’s long lost friend? Lover? Heather returns and there’s something about her that I don’t really like. She’s got all these witchy vibes but she also gives off this vibe that feels almost creepy.

And speaking of, Betty has started to confide in a partner at work, Drake? And I’m getting bad vibes from her too. It’s like she’s telling Betty things she wants to hear, or trying to throw her off her path. Betty is having troubles with her aura gift and this new person is like well it could be this or this, but does she actually know? It’s super strange.

Wait, what? So Percival wants to take down the diner because the diner is a place that hosts ghosts? And apparently this train he wants to build in Riverdale is a ghost train that will break the realm and have the town haunted. But there has to be more than just that. There’s a battle coming? A final battle to be exact.

So Percival releases biblical plagues on the town and one by one things get worse. Then when Toni and Fangs decide to get married (which was really cute) it’s at their wedding that Percival puts a spell on the town, which kills all, ok almost all, first born. That means that Archie, Jughead, Toni, Fangs and a bunch of others die.

Surprisingly baby Anthony doesn’t die. So the ones that do survive are devising a plan to resurrect their loved ones.

And so, Sabrina makes a comeback. Heather summons her and with her help they try to persuade their loved ones to come back from the sweet hereafter.

So apparently the powers they’ve started to manifest helps them in becoming witches, alright, kinda cool.

After they become witches, Tabitha, Cheryl and Veronica go to the afterlife to bring their loved ones back but it’s not as easy as they thought it would be. They are all happy in their perfect lives and don’t believe either of the three girls when they tell them they must come back to the real world and fight the final battle. 

When it doesn’t work, it’s Cheryl who can use something called a phoenix spell to force them back to the real world. That ends up working… and when Sabrina cautions Cheryl I was confused… but then we learn that she brought more people back then she was supposed to. She brought her brother, Jason, and Polly back. Good lord.

The whole plot of Veronica being alone is really annoying. Why can’t she be alone? And why is she SO obsessed with finding out who Archie’s endgame with? It’s so annoying to watch. She keeps asking Tabitha to tell her because she needs to know and all Tabitha can tell her is that in the millions of scenarios she’s seen both Veronica and Betty end up with him so it’s not just him. Veronica find someone else already!

I’m sorry, baby Anthony is immortal? And that’s why he can’t die? And Tabitha is the guardian angel of the town? Ok…

We’re now back in Rivervale where we get a loooot of exposition. We learn the reason for this alternative town is where Percival was from; we learn that he’s so obsessed with the diner because the ground it was built on is where he died and he sold his soul to the devil; lastly we learn that the two universes are cracking and crumbling because the Jughead from Rivervale knew what was going to happen to his friends in Riverdale and he called Betty to stop it from happening. So instead of one of the towns ceasing to exist, they both do but are falling apart.

And the more the gang try to fight off Percival the more things Percival does to ruin things. Just when they think they’ve got the upper hand on him, he goes and kills off Betty’s mom, Kevin’s mom and Archie’s uncle… the ones Percival has been controlling from the start.

Gosh, the amount of times they say “I have a plan” is getting exhausting because Percival is again… one step ahead… even when they think they’re coming at him by surprise he still gets away.

I like that they all get a hit at Percival but again, he uses their powers against them and he wins again.

Hmm so Jughead creates a portal to Rivervale and that’s where he’s not so immortal. Jughead is able to get into his mind and they are able to really cause some damage… and the friends Percival hurt were the ones from Rivervale. Tabitha hands Percival back over to the devil… and he’s now dead.

It’s a bit confusing these jumbled timelines. 

Damn, so there’s a powerful comet heading their way, it was supposed to pass through Riverdale but now before Percival died he put a spell on it so that is crashes into Riverdale. Will this be the end of the town?

That’s how it ends?! Ehhhh I’m not a fan. But am I really a fan of this show? I honestly can’t say.

Anyways, so this season ends with the comet heading straight for the town and none of them being able to leave or know how to stop Percival.

Cheryl goes to her ancestor, Abigail, to ask for help. Abigail tells her that she can use her phoenix power to melt the comet… the only thing about that is doing that will take a lot of her energy… energy that is keeping the people she brought back from the dead (which is a lot more than I remembered) alive. If it works, she can’t guarantee that they will still be alive.

It isn’t until Veronica has an Epiphany moment and realizes she can use her gift to, as she puts it, Losers’ Club style, cut their palms and pass all of their powers into her. This way Veronica can then pass all their powers to Cheryl that way Cheryl won’t use up all her energy and no one will die… if it works.

And it works… but it takes them all back to 1959. I’m like why are we going backwards?! So they’re all teenagers again.

I can see there being a season 7 but honestly is it really needed? This show should have just gone down with the comet. It’s been entertaining joining the multiverse (I hated when Veronica said that) but I feel like it’s time to be put to rest.

3 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Riverdale Season Six

    1. Your comment made me laugh out loud. 😂Maybe that’s why I keep watching? To hate on it? It’s just so all over the place and they keep taking it to places that it has no place going.


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