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Review: The Great Library (series)

Hi everyone, happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be posting my reviews of Rachel Caine’s series, The Great Library.

Ink and Bone

Ink and Bone by: Rachel Caine: The Great Library is a powerhouse for storing and administering knowledge, but to own books is forbidden. Jess understands and believes in the Library, but everything he knows comes from illegal books, which his family obtains to feed the black market. Sent as a spy, things get complicated, loyalties shift, and the truth about who run the Library are revealed. This novel was definitely entertaining and very intriguing. This is the first novel in this series and it does leave a mark on the reader; it may not be a big mark yet, but there’s something there that is keeping the reader into the world. The world building was fascinating; the reader definitely wants to find out more, and see where Caine is going to take this story. The plots were fun, nothing too exciting just yet. The fact that this novel is about books and libraries is gripping and peeks the reader’s interest just a little more than any other fantasy novel that’s been done before. The characters are alright, we get to see them in action, and we get some of their history, but they still feel a little two dimensional. Hopefully in the books to come they become more dimensional, and relatable. The reader is looking forward for what’s to come, as this was a welcoming start to a new world that does leave us wanting more.

Paper and Fire

Paper and Fire by: Rachel Caine: Jess made it through initiation, but now he has found himself embarking on another mission, this one to rescue a friend, but things go wrong and the Library have been tipped off and are after them. On top of this, the girl he loves is trapped in the Iron Tower, and his family try to trick him into making choices he’s not willing to make. This novel was just as action-packed as the first. The world building is opening up and the reader is learning more about the world, mostly through characters, but the descriptions of it all are full of detail that give the reader a visual. The plot was intense at times, but definitely had the reader turning the pages, curious as to what was going to happen next. It was without a doubt written well and as mentioned, the attention to detail is what really kept the reader invested in the novel. That, and Caine’s characters. The addition of new characters and seeing old ones grow and interact with one another was great to read. It gave the story an added layer of conflict that at first, didn’t feel like it was needed, but getting down to it all, it fit in perfectly and helped to set things up for the next novel. The end was an on the edge of your seat, fast-pace that left the reader ready to fully embrace this world and whatever comes next.

Ash and Quill

Ash and Quill by: Rachel Caine: Jess and his friends now find themselves in Philadelphia after escaping London. What they find are people who want to burn books, and in order to stop them from burning them all, Jess bargains with them by telling them he and his friends have knowledge to create a machine that can break the Library’s rule. Although saying things is easier said than done and they must deliver on what they promised. This novel was a wonderful continuation to this already well written and thought out series. The overall plot was good, the story moved, but the arc moved slowly. The reader is now in the thick of the series arc and so Caine is focusing more on characters and making tweaks to her world that she’s developed to make it better and more of an experience for the reader. There are moments throughout where the reader gets lost in the stories as characters grow and interact with different characters. The romance between two of the main characters is this slow burning romance and because they don’t seem to get much time together, the reader is always craving just a little bit more of them; it’s just enough to leave us wanting. Seeing the plot and development between Jess and his brother was fascinating; it’s a character dynamic that Caine is exploring and looks to be having fun with, and we can’t get enough. The end leaves the reader wondering what could possibly happen next. Even though we are three books in, it still feels like bigger picture is just beginning and it makes the next novel feel exciting and we can’t wait to see what’s in store. As for this novel, this was action-packed and full of adventure with a little bit of drama added on the side for good measure.

Smoke and Iron

Smoke and Iron by: Rachel Caine: Jess and his fellow Scholars must stop at nothing and everyone’s skills are needed to take down the Archivist who is pulling all punches to destroy the Great Library, once and for all. Lives are at stake, and it’s now become life or death meaning everyone is in for the long haul. This was a fast-paced novel that really sucked the reader in. The plot picks up where the last book left off and this novel finds characters on missions they didn’t see coming. The fact that this novel was told in different points of view was a welcome change and a breath of fresh air for this series. As much as the reader loves to read from the point of view of the main character, reading from multiple characters, as they’re all spread out, gave the novel some new life and left it more intense for the final novel. The characters developed well, but their progression was kind of slow because we didn’t learn a lot of new things about them. It felt like Caine is saving up all her tricks for the last novel. The way this one ended left for some draw dropping moments that the reader didn’t see coming, this will lead into the finale that is sure to be full of high stakes. As for this novel, this was a pivotal story in the grand scheme of things for this series, and it was well done, and left the reader, mostly, ready for the final book.

Sword and Pen

Sword and Pen by: Rachel Caine: The leadership of the Great Library has fallen, but the Archivist is planning his return to destroy everything once and for all. Now Jess and his team must come together one last time, no matter the cost to set things right. This is the final novel in the Great Library series, and does this novel ever deliver. It was so well done; first off, the pacing was great, the reader fell right into step after the last novel. There was definitely a lot going on and the plot pulled no punches; so many things happened, but it was all for a purpose. Aside from the pacing and the plot, the characters were so well done too. Each had their own internal struggle they needed to face and throughout this novel they manage to conquer or face those struggles. Then there’s that ending, the author takes no risks and just punches the reader in the gut. It was heart-wrenching, but at the same time characters had to move on. This series as a whole was truly something. As a reader, reading about books is always a highlight, reading about struggles about books and the war it ensues was even more engaging. Caine put together a really cool and interesting series that had strong characters and adventurous plots that the reader had such a fun time getting lost in.

13 thoughts on “Review: The Great Library (series)

  1. Ahh wonderful reviews! I’m so happy you reviewed this series, I’ve been so curious about it and I’ve heard so many great things from everyone, plus, I’m all for a fantasy read that is bookish as well haha. I think I will give this series a try someday 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 🙂
      Oh you should definitely check this series out, it was so good! AND all the books are out so you can totally binge read it! I sorta binged it, I had to wait a month for the last book to come out, but so worth it!
      I hope you enjoy it if you do read it! 😀

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  2. I’ve seen these books so many times at the book stores and always wondered if I’d love them (the covers are gorgeous!). Great review, hun. I think I’ll try to get the first book from the library, and if I enjoy it then I can purchase the whole series and make it look pretty on my shelves 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Alex! 😀
      They would look amazing on a book shelf! I read all of them from the library. I hope you enjoy it enough to buy… but on the other hand… wouldn’t they look good either way?! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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