Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Children of the Corn

HI! Happy throwback Thursday! I have no idea what it is, but I am feeling SO good today. I need more days like today where the work day doesn’t feel treacherous, and everyone is just happy! Today I’m back at it again with another King work. Today I’m here with one of his novellas Children of the Corn.

Read: April 2023
Rating: 4 Stars

Children of the Corn

Children of the Corn by: Stephen King: Burt and Vicky are on their way to an interview when they run over a boy who was in the middle of the road, only to discover he was already dead. Deciding to take him to a small town they come to realize there is something wrong with the town; there are no adults, everyone is sacrificed at the age of 19. Now the couple must figure out how to get out of this town alive, that is if they can. This short story packs a lot in it. From beginning to end the reader is left with this sense of dread at what will happen to these main characters. It is a great short story, that has a real sense of creepy to it. This novella is definitely not for the faint of heart and is definitely for fans of horror as this will scare the reader silly. It’s a little sick and twisted, and is definitely what nightmares are made of. The characters were well done for the most part, since it is a short story we get very little, but from the plot we get a sense of these characters. The plot is what really drives this piece of work, and it was very well done and effective piece.

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