Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #18 🌸

Hello friends! Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading! I hope you’re all continuing to stay safe. Today has been another sunny day, that’s three in a row! ☀️

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.

Before I start today’s post I’d just like to say a giant THANK YOU to all of you for following my blog! On Monday evening I got the beautiful notification that I have hit 1000 followers. So again, THANK YOU for liking, commenting and following on my crazy journey! 😃


On page 376
On page 354
On page 21









The Stand: I’m 32% of the way through; I’m back to short chapters. 🙄 I don’t normally read the book synopsis… especially once I’ve started a book, but I found out that I met a very important character in one of my chapters, but I would not have realized it because the chapter felt more like filler than anything else.
Specials: I’m 92% of the way through; I’m so close to finishing this and what crazy plot twists I’m coming across…  I wasn’t prepared for what has been happening, but I’ve kinda been loving it. I’ll probably be finished this by the end of this week!
Lastly I’m reading Almost Adults by: Ali Pantony… I’ve only read the first chapter and wooof, I wasn’t prepared for the heartbreak that was just the first chapter! Ugh! Really hoping to love this one!






I finished Anger is a Gift by: Mark Oshiro… the book that has been on my TBR all of April. I’m so happy that I finally got around to reading it because WOOF what an emotional roller coaster it was. This book is important and should be read by everyone. That quote on the cover “a beautiful and brutal debut” is such an accurate representation.
I also finished The Bone Season by: Samantha Shannon- wow! I binge-read the last 160 pages last night and I don’t even know how I did it! This was so good; I don’t know why I waited 3 years to read this! The writing and the story was so good and so thought out, definitely recommending this one!



I have my May books planned out… but if the libraries don’t open in the next few weeks, I don’t know what I’m going to do in June!

Since I was absolutely blown away by the Bone Season, you can bet your bottom my next read is going to be The Mime Order by: Samantha Shannon. I also am putting Ambush by: James Patterson… I’ve never read a James Patterson book; I have no idea if I’m going to like it, but my aunt gifted me this book for Christmas 2 years ago so I guess it’s time I start reading this!

What are you all reading?

3 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #18 🌸

  1. *does a 1000 follower dance* 💃🕺🙌🏻☺️❤️💚💖 I thought with the libraries being closed here I’d read some of the books I own that are unread… nope! Apparently I’m all about the ARCs these days. I miss the physical act of going to the library but I’m still drowning in books lol…just the way I like it though 😅😅😅❤️💜💚💙

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Woot woot! 🙌🏼
      That’s exactly what I have been doing, since I don’t read ARCs so I’ve been reading everything on my shelves. It’s been really nice, but I’m starting to run out of books! I’m going to have to start reading the books on my my brother’s shelf! 😂
      Oh, I definitely miss the library; I used to go every Saturday!

      Liked by 1 person

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