Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: GhettoSide

I don’t normally read non-fiction books, unless for school research, but this may be the first time I’ve read a non-fiction book for pleasure. Let me tell you it was a moving read. Let’s get into this.

I didn’t think I’d like non-fiction, but it turns out that it’s really fascinating! I learned so much about gangs, violence and the police department in L.A.  I know I don’t live in L.A. but it was definitely an eye-opener to read about it all. Here is my review.


Ghettoside by: Jill Leovy: Someone is killed almost every day in Los Angeles; this book goes into the details of one murder, Bryant Tennelle. He is the son of a homicide detective, when one day he is gunned down on the street while walking through South Central L.A. The book showcased how gangs work; you don’t have to be in a gang to be shot, you just have to look like you could be in one, as well as the statistics of black-on-black murder that happens every day. It was super informative as well as the procedures that go on through a cop’s point of view. One detective, John Skaggs is assigned to Tennelle’s case, and he’s one determined guy to get to the bottom of the crime, and not just this crime, but any homicide crime. The author, an L.A. reporter, definitely did thorough research into cases. The reader can tell by reading it that she has a passion to get to the bottom of this as much as the cops do, and she wants to tell the world. This book was a great narrative and definitely something worth reading to get an understanding for these types of things.

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