Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Darker Shade of Magic Trilogy

Hello! I’m back with another review, today I’m updating this by reviewing the final novel to V.E Schwab’s A Darker Shade of Magic trilogy A Conjuring of Light.

As for this novel, I didn’t know what to expect when I started reading it, but damn it was a really great novel. I suggest anyone who is a fan of fantasy should read this novel!

A Darker Shade of Magic by: V.E. Schwab: Kell is one of the last of his kind, a kind who travel with magic. He lives with the King and Queen of Red London. He goes between the different London’s, Red, White and Grey. He goes between these cities delivering things from one royal family to the next. He comes across a stone that has powerful magic. He must get rid of it before it destroys him. The only thing is, the stone has two parts, and so he must fight to get the second half so he can travel to Black London, a place that no longer exists to dispel the magic. Things turn out messier than anticipated, as a thief named Lila accompanies him, a human that could be killed at any second. The novel’s plot was very entertaining. The world of magic is always pleasing to read about, and the author does a brilliant job of bringing her different shades of London to life. The characters are also very loveable. The beginning of the novel is a little boring, but it really helps to set up the story perfectly. Overall, this novel is, if not a must read, it’s definitely a novel fantasy lovers will want to sink their teeth into, some great storytelling in here!

A Gathering of Shadows

A Gathering of Shadows by: V.E. Schwab: The sequel to her novel A Darker Shade of Magic takes place four months later and Red London is getting ready for the Element Games. The novel surrounds these games, as it keeps things between the neighbouring towns good and entertains the people with its magic. While this is happening, a new London is awakening. This novel is full of magic and mystic, it’s a brilliant plot device that brings characters together, and really moves the plot along. There was a lot of action, and it wasn’t bottled down with romance, it had just the right amount mixed with just the right amount of fantasy. The Games were very irresistible to read about; things kept getting better and better, until it all came to an abrupt end. It all ended with a cliff hanger which means the reader has to wait until the next book comes out to find out what happens next. Some characters were more developed than others, but there is still a chance for all the characters to really shine as the plot thickens.

A Conjuring of Light

A Conjuring of Light by: V.E. Schwab: Between the different Londons, the magic has unbalanced, and in order to rebalance it all war must be fought to control it. The last battle to restore things as to how they once were, and to make them better. The power and magic is now divided between the different Londons; heroes and enemies alike are trying their hand at securing power, but only one can win. This novel continues right where the second book left off, and it was just go, go, go. The plot was so well developed; there was something happening at all times, and the fact that the reader couldn’t see plots coming made for a real adventure of a read. The action was unstoppable and the romance was subtle; it was the perfect mix. The ending felt very final, and it has got to be one of the best ones out there. It’s good to see characters get a good bye, even if not all of them were happy, it was still something meaningful after the journey the reader spent with them. Schwab’s characters were so well put together, and boy did they come a long way from the first book; Lila maybe the most, she’s such a badass, but Kell also had some really good turning moments, as well as his brother Rys. This novel was the perfect ending to and already pretty perfect trilogy; read and be amazed.

5 thoughts on “Review: Darker Shade of Magic Trilogy

  1. I just skimmed the first review because I haven’t read these yet but I’m glad you really liked it! I’m so excited to read this series, hopefully I’ll get to start this week,

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