Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #27 πŸš²

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 503
On page 171
On page 108

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 41% of the way; I’m making my way through the plays. Lady Windermere’s Fan was pretty good, A Woman of No Importance wasn’t my fave but I’m excited to reread An Ideal Husband!

The Bachman Books; 18% of the way; I’m finally finished Rage; I’m so happy to be finished this book, it was just not it. The plot was meh, the characters were boring and the ending was disappointing. Looking forward to the next book!

Lastly, I’m reading The Mortal Word by: Genevieve Cogman. This is the 5th novel in this series and I just love jumping back into this world; I feel like with each book they get better and better.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished Swimming Lessons by: Claire Fuller. This novel wasn’t for me, I wanted to like it, I just didn’t. The writing was good, but the plot was just not it. I felt like it kept going in circles a bit and maybe I didn’t get it but I didn’t understand the swimming aspect to the overall plot.

Not only is the cover of Two Trees Make a Forest by: Jessica J. Lee pretty the writing and her story of finding her long lost family, connecting and reconnecting with her heritage, her family and herself was just so good; very talented writer.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #26 πŸŽ’

Review: By Your Side

Bony’s 2021 Bookish & Personal Goals Mid-Year Check In

Review: Tatouine

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kate @Your Tita Kate wrote about Bookish Social Media and the Erosion of Boundaries – it feels more and more these days whether it from the fan side or the author side people think it’s okay to come into other people’s spaces and be rude or mean. Even if you think it’s not that bad, but it’s still hurtful, maybe just don’t? Or don’t tag the person your talking about, like come on. Anyways, this was a great post!

Sofii @A Book. A Thought. posted her Top 10 5-Star Worthy High Fantasy books – there are some gems in there that you need to check out if you haven’t already!

Nyx @Drizzle & Hurricane Books posted about 10 reader stereotypes and why they’re wrong – man I was screaming reading this because it was SO good, do yourself a favour and check this out!

I started this week by celebrating one of my best friend’s birthday; we had a house party and it was a lot of fun. On Wednesday the same friends went out and had dinner on the patio, despite the cloudy weather it was a really nice evening; I love my friends!

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 7. I started season 7 and I’m a few episodes in and wow. So Lorelei demands to get married, this confuses Luke and takes him by a surprise, he doesn’t say “no” he just needs a minute after her ambush and she takes that as it’s over I’m going to go sleep with Chris now, like WHAT?! Then Luke goes over the next day and is like yes let’s go elope and she’s like no it’s over you didn’t say yes in that one moment it’s over. I HATE IT HERE. Also, Lane has sex for the first time and hates it so she never wants to do it again, which okay I get, but she keeps saying it over and over again, sex is bad! Then she finds out she’s pregnant… did we have to jump that gun right away? They just got married. Rory learns how to sext and that’s pretty funny.

Orange is the New Black; season 6. I feel like it’s been ages since I watched this, but here we are. I’ve only seen the first episode and I feel like I forgot everything that happened before, I have NO idea where this show is going to go.

Schitt’s Creek; season 5. I’ve watched a few more epiosdes here and there and omg the awkwardness between Stevie and Mr. Rose, yikes! And then David trying to push another man on Patrick, oh boy! I just want them to be happy – like okay I get where David is coming from, but you knew it was going to be a recipe for a disaster; I am glad Patrick couldn’t do it, I swear I love how Patrick talks to David, it’s so funny yet cute!

What I’ve watched:

One Tree Hill; season 9. I have to say, I didn’t think I’d miss watching this show once I finished my re-watch, but here I am, at least there’s the new Drama Queen podcast to list to. Anyways! I’m not a fan of season 9, it feels like this extra arm; some of the plots, okay most of them don’t have enough time to really develop, like the one with Clay is all of a sudden a father and the kid takes no time warming up to him and calling Quinn mom, it just felt quickly wrapped up. Brooke getting to run a clothing line with both her parents felt forced. I get it, they wanted to give Brooke that happily ever after story, but the whole plot with her shitty father felt forced. I also don’t like that Julian turns Lucas’ novel into a TV show, which is basically the show, it was meta and if you know me, you know I HATE meta endings so that was disappointing. Some things I did like was Keller and Chase becoming friends, Chase being there for Chuck, then Chuck being there for him; having Nathan come home is heartwarming and I have to say that Dan’s last episode always gets me; that storyline is 10 years in the making so it felt earned.

John Wick: Chapter 2. After liking the first one, I decided to watch the second one, plus I was really in the mood to watch an action movie. I liked this; it was kinda long and there were moments I could actually read a book through because it was just a really long fighting scene, but I still liked this non the less.

The Dead Zone; season 2. I wrapped up the second season and okay so I’m 1) curious where the show is going to go for the next 4(!) seasons since after this season it’s going to be going wildly away from the book 2) they keep bring up an apocalypse, I want to know where that is going. Only Johnny knows it’s going to happen, is he going to be the one to stop it?! Aside from that, I can see the show was trying to give us deeper backstories to the characters but they’re still not the best. I can also see by the end they were grasping at straws trying to create new, fresh stories, so we’ll see.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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