Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: They Both Die at the End

Hi friends, happy Wednesday and first day of summer! I hope you are all well. Today I’m posting my review of Adam Silvera’s novel, They Both Die at the End.

Read more: Review: They Both Die at the End
They Both Die at the End

They Both Die at the End by: Adam Silvera: In a world where a company called Death-Cast call you when it’s your day to die, lives Mateo and Rufus. These two are complete strangers, and couldn’t be any further alike. But when they both get the call on the same day, the two use the Last Friend app to spend their last day, or their End Day, together. Aside from being morbidly sad, this novel had a lot of good within it. Between all the sorrow lay beautiful magical moments of being alive and seen. The plot was so interesting and had such a fascinating concept. The way it was told in a 24-hour time period was clever because it helped to slow down and speed up the pace. The reader really liked the world, but they just wished they had gotten more; more background into how Death-Cast started, why it started, how does it work specifically, can you die on a day that isn’t your End Day, this reader had too many unanswered questions. Slivera is great at getting the emotional part down pat, but it’s the world building that needs a little work. As for the characters, they were so sweet and solid and fun to read. They were messy, because who wouldn’t be if you were dying that day but didn’t know how. The two main characters were such a joy to read because you could see how one brought out the best in the other and vice versa. Not only were they bringing out the best in each other, but they also brought out a side to themselves that they knew was always inside of them, they were just too scared to be that person. So it was such a delight to read of them breaking out, even if it was just the one time.  The reader also liked how there were side characters who had mini points of view throughout the book; it helped with the world building, but not enough. There was one character in particular that we’d kept getting glimpses of where she was in denial of her fate and it was so suspenseful to read because we didn’t know which way it was going to go. In the end, despite the fact that there are so many questions, this was still a really good novel; the writing was excellent, the plots suspenseful, and the characters lovable, would recommend.

4 thoughts on “Review: They Both Die at the End

  1. This sounds amazing! I’d heard this book mentioned here and there but never grasped the full meaning of the plot before and I like how it sounds. Also I loved your review, it makes me want to check out the book. Great post! ✨️💕

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