Photography · Travel

Photo Blog: Ottawa, ON, CA

Hello everyone and happy Friday! 🙂 Since it was just Canada’s 150th birthday I am still in the celebrating mode, what better way than photos from Canada’s Capital? 🇨🇦

These photos are all from my trip to Ottawa the summer of 2013.

In this blog:

  • Fun photos from around town
  • Downtown Ottawa
  • The Canadian War Museum
    • That’s where they had this Star Wars exhibit, super fun!
  • The Canadian Aviation and Space Museum
  • Changing of the guards
  • The Supreme Court of Canada


Thanks for viewing! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Photo Blog: Ottawa, ON, CA

  1. These are amazing photos Meghan! 🙂 I already have Canada on my ‘must travel to’ list thanks to another post I saw on WordPress by another blogger but your photos have made me want to go even more. I love the ones from Star Wars exhibit. My friend is a massive fan and I know she’d have loved to have been able to go! 😀

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