Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Girl at Midnight Trilogy

Happy Wednesday folks! Today I’m going to be reviewing The Girl at Midnight trilogy!

The Girl at Midnight

The Girl at Midnight by: Melissa Grey: Echo has spent her life as a pickpocketer among the streets of New York City, but beneath the city lies the Avicen who are a race with feathers and magic. A war has broken out, and Echo decides she must go out and fight, hoping that her skills as pickpocketer have taught her well. The novel dives right into the fantasy element not just by Grey giving her characters’ feathers, but with a magical plot. There is a lot of action and adventure that happen that the reader really has to pay close attention to in order to keep up. Grey’s writing was imaginative and artistic, and her characters were thought out, dimensional with spunk. As the novel concluded Echo’s journey is not yet done, as it will continue, and it’s exciting to find out what will happen next.


The Shadow Hour

The Shadow Hour by: Melissa Grey: The sequel to her novel The Girl at Midnight. This time around Echo has learned that she is the firebird, a creature of light that is said to bring peace. The only problem is that she got more than what she bargained for, and must use her powers to fight the danger ahead, hoping her powers are strong enough. The novel had its good moments, and its fall apart moments. Some of the dialogue was cheesy and predictable, almost unoriginal. Grey’s characters were pretty strong, but could come off boring with their dialogue. The plots started off a little slow, but then thickened a third way into the novel and the romance heated up… literally. What was also fun, enjoyable, and engaging to read was the jumps in locations the characters took to be places. It was nice to read about the characters in different locations. Like her first, this novel was fast-paced, full of action that it made it very easy to read and follow along.

The Savage Dawn

The Savage Dawn by: Melissa Grey: The war has come and Echo must use her firebird powers to help wage the war. Still unable and unsure about controlling her powers the way she wants that the outcome could fall on either side: triumph or death. This concluding novel was well done; the writing flowed together and made it really easy to breeze through. This novel, like the previous two were action-packed and thrilling to read. Characters were also entertaining and enjoyable to read. It was a little sad to see the characters go, but Grey gave them each a decent send-off; some sadder than others, but for the most part the way everything went down was done well. The ending wasn’t predictable, and it wasn’t completely happily ever after either so it felt satisfying to know it wasn’t a copout ending. It was a good ending to an already good trilogy.

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