Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Stars Never Rise & The Flame Never Dies

Hello everyone, happy Monday, Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends, I am so thankful to have this day off. To me it should be mandatory that we have a three day weekend every month. Anyways today I’m going to be reviewing The Stars Never RiseThe Flame Never Dies by Rachel Vincent.

I’m not going to lie, I thought I’d already posted my review for the first book, apparently I waited until I read the second. Anyways here is a double review.

The Stars Never Rise

The Stars Never Rise by: Rachel Vincent: A story that mixes demons and the church to create an interesting tale. Nina Kane is a sixteen-year-old girl who has a lot to worry about; the population of the town she lives is slowly decreasing due to soul-eating demons. When she finds out her mother isn’t who she thought she was, and her sister is holding onto a life or death secret, Nina must do everything in her power to save her. The novel had a good plot, but it just wasn’t executed very well. The reader was left wondering what kind of church is this, is there a religion? It’s all very vague, and even the characterization was boring. Vincent’s characters are generic, and don’t have any real development. This novel wasn’t anything special, sadly.


The Flame Never Dies

The Flame Never Dies by: Rachel Vincent: The sequel to her novel The Stars Never Rise, comes Nina Kane, a seventeen year-old, who is learning how to be an exorcist, while on the run from demons. Not only that but her younger sister is pregnant and she must fight to keep her safe, but how safe can she be when they are in a place called the ‘Badlands’? This novel definitely had more plot, and more action than the first. Stories were more engaging and interesting, which overall made it easier to follow along with. This novel felt like a lot more happened than in the first, where we were just getting to know the characters. Even though this time around, plots still felt vague in descriptions the fact that there was more going on helped the reader enjoy the story. The characters were alright; they grew somewhat from the first novel, mostly our main character Nina, and her sister because those are the two the reader reads most about. The truth we learn about other characters was a good plot, and good growth for some of the characters. The story doesn’t feel quite over yet, so if there is more to come that wouldn’t be surprising, if there isn’t, the story feels very open, and a little unresolved.

4 thoughts on “Review: The Stars Never Rise & The Flame Never Dies

  1. Great reviews Meghan. I’ve read The Stars That Never Rise and while I enjoyed it I do agree with you that it’s nothing special. I haven’t yet gotten around to the second book in the series though it’s on my to-read list, but I’m pleased to see you enjoyed it a little more! 😀

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