Concert · Photography

Photo Blog: The 15 Year Anniversary Tour w/ The Used

Hi guys! Happy Friday! I am so happy it’s Friday! The weekend is within reach! I have no plans, and I’m actually very excited about that; after my weekend last week I am very ready to have a low-key weekend. Speaking of my busy schedule, that’s where this photo blog comes into play! Today’s blog I’m going to be showcasing my photos from The Used concert last Saturday!

I hope you guys enjoy my amateur photos! 🙂

Thanks for viewing! 🙂

7 thoughts on “Photo Blog: The 15 Year Anniversary Tour w/ The Used

    1. It was an incredible night, I really had a good evening. The Used are definitely a band to see live. I feel you this album brings me back to the same time frame- it felt good to feel like a teenager with no worry in the world for a night!


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