Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Oliver Twist

Hello friends, I hope you’re all off to a good start to the week! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Charles Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist.

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist by: Charles Dickens: The story of a young boy, Oliver Twist, whose mother died just after his birth and forced to live in a horrible orphanage. When he asks for more gruel, this begins his life on the move. He bounces from place to place, and adventure after adventure, in the hopes of a place to call home. This novel definitely went on an adventure, an adventure the reader had no idea where it would take them. There were moments where the plot was extremely entertaining and the reader found themselves very enthralled in the story; then there were plots that the reader was completely bored with. It was a mix of up and down and it kept the reader going for the most part. The characters were an interesting bunch, a very eclectic group that the reader found rather interesting, but as their stories mixed and mingled and intertwined with one another, the reader found themselves bored and uninterested. It just felt like too much was happening for one book and it made it hard for the reader to keep things straight. The writing was also quite dense which made it harder to read. This sounded like it would have been a good book to get lost in, unfortunately this came up short.

5 thoughts on “Review: Oliver Twist

    1. This is the only Dickens novel I’ve read… doesn’t lead me to want to read anything else by him if I’m being honest! I just found it to be very dense his writing 😐

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