Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Diviners Series

Hello friends, happy Monday! Today marks the start of week 7 working at home… in which I find this is starting to feel really normal! Today I’m going to be reviewing Libba Bray’s series The Diviners.

As I mention in my reviews, these novels are quiet thick, therefore that means there is a lot of plot to cover, and I just really summed up the major ones. I really encourage anyone to read these. I know they may look frightening because of their size, but they are so worth it!

The Diviners

The Diviners by: Libba Bray: The first novel in The Diviners series. A thrilling book of ghosts and supernatural. Evie is set to stay with her uncle after using her gift at a party for fun. While she’s there a murder happens and it’s up to her and her friend Jericho, who is gifted as she is, to solve it. The novel is filled with creepy things that make you keep reading. It has this whole scary vibe, and you can’t help what will happen next. The beginning is a little dry and hard to get into, but passing the beginning, the rest is smooth that you can’t put the book down! It’s set it the 1910’s, which also gives it that whole new perspective. The love stories that are woven in are also sweet, but not too sweet. It’s just the right amount to make the book a perfect balance of romance, suspense and mystery, as well as horror.

Lair of Dreams

Lair of Dreams by: Libba Bray: The second novel in the Diviners series. Evie O’Neill is now out in the open as a Diviner and she goes around as a Seer. In this novel the reader dives into more Diviners. There’s a sleeping sickness going around that no one understands. Ling, a sleep walker, along with Henry another sleep walker Diviner try to keep their powers a secret by going to the dream world, while there they meet Wai-Mae. They become friends, until Ling finds out the truth about Wai-Mae has told her. It isn’t until it’s almost too late that all the Diviners come together to break the sleeping sickness curse using all their powers combined. This novel was extremely detailed, and the plots went into back-stories so the reader had everything they needed to finally get to the conclusion. The way the novel ended, it feels like more is to come, possibly with new characters. Speaking of characters, the ones in this novel, the author did a fabulous job constructing and creating them. Her prose was wonderfully crafted, that really let’s the reader fall into her world. The small romance plots sprinkled in were tastefully done. Overall, this novel sits just as high as the first novel.

Before the Devil Breaks You

Before The Devil Breaks You by: Libba Bray: A mental hospital is haunted by ghosts who have ties to a dangerous man, a man known as the King of Crows. This leaves the Diviners no choice but to band together to fight them, and to uncover the secrets and mysteries behind their extraordinary powers. The story was phenomenal; the writing was beautiful, and when put together, it’s perfect harmony. Bray knows how to capture her audience. Paranormal plots drive the novel but it’s also the romantic plots that really get the reader. These characters’ care so much for one another, both romantically and platonically, that it’s empowering to see. Being back in the world of the Diviners was fun, it was a little scary, but it was thrilling in the best way possible. The ending to this novel was on a mini cliff hanger that left the reader curious as to where things are going to go. The ending wasn’t satisfying at all because it didn’t feel finished, it still feels like there is a lot more to come; this final novel is going to be a doozy.

The King of Crows

The King of Crows by: Libba Bray: The end is near and the Diviners know they are in for a rough battle against the King of Crows. After everything that has already beaten them down, they aren’t prepared for what is to come when a vision comes to one of them that they must get to Bountiful, Nebraska where a girl could help them take down the King of Crows. But when betrayal strikes, getting to Nebraska becomes a life or death situation to stop an evil larger than life. This novel was a masterpiece; it truly transfixed the reader and left them wishing there was more. This final novel took characters to new heights and really let them shine. The plots were complex and they wove in and out of storylines with ease. Sure, the pacing was a little slow, and things didn’t truly happen until the end, but Bray’s writing made it all worth it. Her prose was so beautiful, it just felt so quotable and so relatable and really left the reader’s mind on and thinking. The main plot was so well thought and out intricate, and even the subplots really complimented the main one, while standing on their own. The characters, who we’ve grown to know over three books really stood out and each one got to have their moment where they truly grew into the best versions of themselves. The connections and relationships really grew too and it was beautiful to read. This novel was so well done, and it felt like the perfect send off for these characters.

9 thoughts on “Review: The Diviners Series

  1. I only really read the first review for this series, I skimmed the other two, because this is a series still on my to-read list. I really loved Libba Bray’s Gemma Doyle trilogy so I hope I enjoy her Diviners series just as much. It sounds amazing and I’m really glad to see you enjoyed this as well Meghan! 🙂 ❤️

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  2. I have The King of Crows on hold on Libby right now and I’m very excited to get to it because I just read the rest of the series recently and I am dying to know how it ends! So glad to see you enjoyed them 🙂

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