Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Vanishing Year

Hello all, and happy Monday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Kate Moretti’s novel The Vanishing Year.

The Vanishing Year

The Vanishing Year by: Kate Moretti: Zoe thought she had it all with her very wealthy, very handsome husband, Henry, and their lavish lifestyle. But when that lifestyle starts to crumble from underneath her, all her past secrets and worst fears start to resurface. This novel starts off slow and the pacing feels off. We get a lot of backstory and just mini plots that feel irrelevant to the overall story. It isn’t until the last 100 pages or so when the reader really gets into it. This is when the plot really wakes up; all of a sudden these things start happening to the main character and the novel jumps into overdrive. Everything starts to get really good, the unfortunate thing is it took so long to get there. If there was better set up to all these new revelations, or they didn’t happen at the end, it would have felt like it was worth more. The characters are an interesting bunch. The main character is kinda blasé; she doesn’t really do much for the story other than be the victim, which is really bad to say, but there was nothing memorable about her. Her husband was quite the character. The reader learns to hate him right off the bat and as the story progressed he got worse and worse until the very end. He was definitely a dominating character in the worst way possible. As much as this novel did leave the reader wondering what was going to happen, and it did become thrilling, the pacing and the set up just wasn’t the greatest and it fell flat for the reader.

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