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Review: Thirst Series

I’ve been reading this series for a little while. (And at this point I’m still not done yet. I don’t feel like waiting until I finish reading the last novel because I have to request the library to buy it still, and it could take a while.
(Eds Note: I have finished now, and the library as it turns out had the last novel, only it was hiding in their database so I couldn’t find it)
But anyways, I’m really into Christopher Pike’s vampire, Sita, she’s badass. I like that he didn’t make her some crappy vampire that’s cliched and done many times, Sita feels fresh to me.

Over the course of these novels, as you’ll see in my reviews, they change and the characters either grow really well, or they become boring. The plots get bogged down with information, especially towards the end of the series (novels 3&4) but I still enjoy Pike’s writing, it’s not complete entangled with prose, and it’s not too watered down that it’s boring, it’s a comfortable inbetween.

The Last Vampire, Black Blood, and Red Dice

Thirst No. 1 by: Christopher Pike: The first novel, or volume in the Thirst series. This volume contains three novels: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, and Red Rice. It’s the story of a five thousand year-old vampire named Sita, though she goes by many names throughout the novel, as she has to disguise herself quite a bit so no one finds out. We learn that she is the last vampire on Earth, but someone is trying to take her down and make more. It’s up to her to stop them. It’s an endless battle, and one that hasn’t ended in this novel, as the ending is a complete cliffhanger. The plotline was readable and easy to follow along; it was entertaining, but the way the author wrote it really made it sound like the main character is five thousand years old when he doesn’t use contractions. At times it sounds like a textbook with how dry it could get. But overall it was a very interesting novel that leaves the reader wanting a little bit more.

Phantom, Evil Thirst, and Creatures of Forever

Thirst No:2 by: Christopher Pike: The second volume in the Thirst series that includes the stories, Phantom, Evil Thirst, and Creatures of Forever. Alisa, or her real name, Sita, has always wanted to become human. Finally she gets her wish, but an evil takes over, and she must turn back into a vampire to stop it. Not only does she have to become a vampire again, she must go back in time to stop the evil from ever happening. It’s a very interesting read, and the ending sure takes the reader for a loop, it’s an ending you would never see coming. The plotline was easy to read, and flowed super well. You get attached to characters as the novel goes on. Overall, it was a great continuation. It’s uncertain where Alisa’s story is going to go next with an ending like this one, but we’ll find out in the third volume.


The Eternal Dawn

Thirst No: 3 by: Christopher Pike: The third installment of the Thirst series. This novel only contains one story, The Eternal Dawn. Alisa is back; she’s spent years alone and is now craving company. She has hunted down a long lost relative of hers, Teri. But as she gets more involved with hanging out with her and her boyfriend Matt, people start to attack Alisa. She has a very big corporation IIC after her, who is related to the Array, which leads her to the Telar, who are a group of immortals who aren’t vampires. Alisa being the last vampire is a wanted person. Does she survive; you just have to read to find out. This novel goes through ups and downs, the plotline is done well, giving the reader crucial details to help them figure out what will happen, but still leaving a little bit of room for surprise. It’s definitely well crafted, and the characters are well developed. By the end the reader starts to feel sad for these characters. Overall, a great follow up, and can’t wait to see what’s in story for the next novel.

The Shadow of Death

Thirst No: 4 by: Christopher Pike: The story continues as Alisa, or Sita as she’s known by her closest friends, has to take down the bad guys. Sita’s group of friends has two organizations after them, the Telar, and the IIC. Both deal with otherworldly creatures that need to be destroyed. She must put herself through hell, literally, to save the people that she loves. The plot in this novel kept getting thicker and thicker with new things springing up for the reader to try and keep track of. It gets annoying trying to keep up, but it’s a good novel in the sense that the author is keeping the reader on their toes with every word throughout the novel. Sita’s character definitely grows the most throughout this series. This novel feels like an ending to the series, although there is another novel after it, which is the final novel. Pike does vampires in a good way, they aren’t cheesy, they are badass, which makes a reader want to read the novel. Overall, this novel was full of action that made the reader want to read more to find out what was going to happen.

The Sacred Veil

Thirst No. 5 by: Christopher Pike: The final novel in Sita’s story. She is forced to remember things from a lifetime ago back in World War II to help her move forward with her life. But the memories are so painful for her that she hardly remembers that she was the one to put a block on them all those years ago. In the end she gets a chance to have the life she has always dreamed of living, being normal with her husband and daughter. The novel’s plotline leads readers on this wild goose chase to end the novel so up in the air. It’s an ending that leaves the reader wondering what happens, and gives them the ability to let the characters have the ending the reader wants. The author gives no direction; it’s totally up to the people reading it to come to their own conclusions. In a way that’s nice, but it doesn’t feel complete. The characters, after going through so much together have worked into some nicely rounded characters. The series as whole was pretty good, and well done. Pike doesn’t spend a lot of time on prose, but gets straight to the action and the thick of things, which really gives the novel a fast pace. Overall, Sita is a badass vampire who was created well, and had great storylines and arches throughout the novels. Although she didn’t get the proper ending she deserved, it was still a roller coaster of a series, which was fun to read.

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