Personal Ramblings

Going on Vacation – Blogging Break

Hi friends, happy Friday! I hope you’re all doing well! I’m here with a very short post, to announce, like the title of this post says – I’m going on vacation! I’m literally going away tomorrow morning, which I’m very excited about. I haven’t been on a plane since 2019, so I’m slightly nervous, but also very excited! I’m going to Washington D.C. for the first time. I’m thinking about blogging about it when I come back.

Not only am I going away literary, I won’t return from blogging right when I come back because I’ve been very slumpy with my reading and just blogging in general so I’m going to be stepping back from the blog for the rest of the month, I still have my wrap up scheduled for the end of the month, but any kind of reviews or blogs will be on hold. I’m hoping to be back the beginning of June with some new content, we’ll see where this break takes me!

So, this is bye for now!

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