Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Mapmaker’s Children

Hello everyone! Today is a holiday here in Ontario, and I’m confused about what day it is! Since today is in fact Monday, I’m going to be reviewing Sarah McCoy’s novel The Mapmaker’s Children.

This novel was brilliant, and I forgot to add in my review how descriptive McCoy got with her writing, it was very beautiful.

I also have to say, it was hard for me to get into this novel only because I had a concussion and I was banned from reading all last week, but I still snuck in some time to read this!

The Mapmaker’s Children

The Mapmaker’s Children by: Sarah McCoy: The story of two very compelling female characters; Sarah Brown who in the nineteenth century was the daughter of John Brown, who discovers is working on the Underground Railroad, and Eden Anderson in the twenty-first century who is desperate to start a family. Both women parallel each other as the stories unfold, using what motherly instincts to carry on. This novel was written with poise and grace; McCoy elegantly wove her plots of history with the fictional world she created to make a clever masterpiece. She took the facts of Sarah Brown and made it her own, but still leaving the essence that was Ms. Brown. The plot lines also had a tinge of mystery which kept the reader going forward to see where these characters would go next. McCoy’s characters were well thought out and so rounded and developed that they felt real. History buffs would find this novel appealing, or anyone who likes a really good story.


2 thoughts on “Review: The Mapmaker’s Children

  1. Awww, hope you are better now! It is so terrible to have to be in bed and not be able to do practically anything.

    Lovely review, nevertheless, I had not heard of this book before, but I kind of like the traveling in time premise, so I’ll see, perhaps I should keep an eye open for it.

    Liked by 1 person

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