Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Ever the Hunted

Hello friends, happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is doing okay. Today I’m going to be posting my review of the first novel in the A Clash of Kingdoms, Ever the Hunted by: Erin Summrill.

Ever the Hunted

Ever the Hunted by: Erin Summerill: When Britta’s father is murdered, she’s made an outcast and the only place she feels safe is the Ever Woods. But it’s not long before she’s caught and instead of killing her, in exchange for her freedom she must bring them her father’s murderer. That is easier said than done when the accused is her best friend, Cohen. Now she must go on a quest to, not only find him and prove he’s innocent, but to find herself too. This novel took the reader through so much; what a fun but harrowing story, and yet it is just the beginning. From the start this novel was fast-paced and left the reader curious for more; continuing throughout the twists and turns was so much fun because the reader couldn’t see anything that was coming, and that ending was completely shocking. Everything felt really wrapped up until the very last page where things are going to change for the main character in big ways it feels and the reader can’t wait to find out. This world was both creative and intriguing; the reader is interested in seeing it expand more in future books. Summerill was able to capture so many emotions and she did it so well. Through her characters we learn so much about the world and the way things are and it’s through the plots that we learn who her characters are. As they are faced with different situations, some would rather play it safe, while others are more brash and want to take the leap, which was a great balance and also really made this novel work. This novel was fantasy, but it was also very romance heavy too. The slow burn build-up towards two of the characters was both enjoyable and filled with so much anticipation that it drove the reader a little crazy. The character’s developments and growth throughout this novel was really well done; there were a lot of layers to unpack and the reader can only wait to see what’s in store next for them. For the first novel in a trilogy, this was a great introduction to the world, it seriously hooked the reader and left them wanting more.