Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Theft by Finding: Diaries 1977 – 2002

Hello friends, happy Wednesday, I hope you’re all well! Today I’m posting my review of David Sedaris’ book of diaries, Theft by Finding.

Read more: Review: Theft by Finding: Diaries 1977 – 2002
Theft by Finding

Theft by Finding: Diaries 1977 – 2002 by: David Sedaris: This is author, David Sedaris’ personal diaries from the years 1977 to 2002. This takes a look at the everyday life, the simplicity of it all from mundane days to the more exciting days of his life and truly everything in between. It was really interesting to read his thoughts and feelings for the span of twenty-five years or so. It was fascinating to see how his life changed from year to year and how he saw the world change. This was a little on the long side, but it wasn’t boring to read. It’s clear that Sedaris definitely edited it down and only showed the more entertaining and appealing pieces. Never having read anything by this author, the reader got a sense of who Sedaris is as a person and the type of things he does write about. This would probably be more beneficial a read to people who are a fan of Sedaris’ work because it felt like you were getting an inside look into his life. As a fellow person who journals, this was genuinely an original and engaging read; the events of what happened in his life won’t be as memorable as the way it was told. In the end, this was such an ingenious and creative way to write a book about yourself and your life.

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