
The Happiness Tag

Hello everyone, happy Thursday! It feels so weird not posting a throwback! Instead I’m using Thursdays to get caught up on my tags! So with that being said I’m here to do the Happiness Tag! I was tagged byΒ Jacquie @Rattle The Stars. Thanks so much, and let’s get started! πŸ˜€

List Five Things That Make You Happy

  1. Sleeping in. I love being able to just sleep as long as I want to, even if it’s only until 9 or 10 in the morning; still feels a lot better than 6 or 7.
  2. Drinking my Friday evening coffee.Β I have to drink coffee on Friday nights or else I fall asleep at like 7, I’ve learned to really enjoy it. I love putting Baileys in my coffee too.
  3. Jeopardy.Β I love Jeopardy. I try to watch it every day but life gets in the way sometimes, but when I do manage to catch it, I love watching and feeling smart.
  4. Β Am I allowed to say reading? ReadingΒ makes me the happiest. I don’t know what it is, but I love reading the words off the page, it gives me this high I can’t explain.
  5. The feeling of going on vacation.Β I’m hoping you’ve all experienced this feeling. The excitement and anticipation of going somewhere new, so good.

List Five Songs That Make You Happy

  1. For the First Time by: The Script (❀️)
  2. Floral & Fading by: Pierce the Veil
  3. We Don’t Have to Dance by: Andy Black
  4. Teenagers by: My Chemical Romance
  5. Miles Away by: The Maine (this was SO hard to choose)



Birdie @Birde Bookworm
Sarah @Between the Pages
Sophie @Blame Chocolate
Melissa @Book Nerd Momo

Thanks for reading! πŸ˜€

24 thoughts on “The Happiness Tag

  1. Thanks so much for the tag, Meghan!! For The First Time by The Script and Teenagers by My Chemical Romance are two songs that make me happy too. Especially the song by The Script because they’re one of my favorite bands. I adore that song! 😊

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  2. Thank you for tagging me Meghan! To be honest I don’t listen to a good variety of music all that often, so I don’t recognize those songs, but I’m definitely going to go listen to them after this! Afterall, I’m always looking for new singles to add to my playlist…I only have about 80 songs, so I guess I have a pretty particular taste in music; I don’t even listen to 2/3 of the ones I bought πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚. Anyways, this is a super cute tag, and I think I have the perfect idea for when to post this….hahaha that sounds weird, but hopefully you’ll see it soon! (If i can actually get on top of tags lol) πŸ˜‰

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  3. Great answers for this tag Meghan. I haven’t actually heard of any of the songs you featured (I tend to find most songs in general make me happy), but sleeping in is definitely something that makes me happy as well. It’s why I love the weekends so much after having had to wake up at 6am to go to work weekdays! πŸ˜€

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  4. Thanks so much for the tag, Meghan! This is such a cute, lively tag indeed ❀ It made me happier just reading hahaha
    I LOVE Bailey's and coffee and never thought to put them together… What the heck, me -_- Need to try it!
    As bookworms we need our daily dose of reading. Otherwise, we get cranky and impossible to deal with XD
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! I’m glad to hear that! πŸ˜€ Haha, I hope you really enjoy it when you try it! Haha, I guess this is true; I would be completely cranky if I didn’t get a little bit of reading in each day!
      Thank you! πŸ™‚

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