Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Closer Than You Think

Hello, and welcome to another review. Today’s review is Closer Than You Think by Karen Rose. This is a novel from my Goodreads challenge, and yes I’m still chugging away at that, although I still have so many novels to get through in that challenge! But let’s focus on this one…

I haven’t read a really good thriller/mystery in a while, and damn this novel was just so addicting. I didn’t want to put it down, some nights I literally stayed up until 1:30 in the morning just reading it because geez where does the time go? I was sad when I finished reading it yesterday, so I’m glad to find out there will be a second novel next year yay!

In this novel someone wants Faith Corcoran dead. Time after time there are attempts on her life, and more and more people around her start dying because of this killer. No matter where she goes the killer follows. It’s creepy and chilling to read. I don’t want to say too much without giving it away because damn everyone should read this novel it was that good. I applaud writers who can pull of a good mystery. This wasn’t lame and totally unpredictable, the reader seriously had to think about who could be the killer, and then even when they thought they knew who it was, it couldn’t be because it was too obvious.

Closer Than You Think

Closer Than You Think by: Karen Rose: Faith Corcoran has had a rough few years dealing with an ex-con stalker and a handful of attempts on her life when she comes into possession of her grandmother’s house. Thinking of escaping and starting a new life she heads towards the house. The house has scared her since she was a child but she starts to piece things together once she learns it’s been used to store and torture young women. Determined to catch whoever has been doing this, she helps the police, even if it means bringing up old memories she wishes never to think of again. This novel proves that you can never be too sure about the people we keep close to us. It’s a gripping tale that has readers hooked from the start. Between the list of characters who could be behind the murders and after Faith, to the rising romance between Faith and FBI Agent Deacon Novak this novel was brilliantly crafted. Lots of clues were given to the reader about the murder, but the author gave and pulled away, setting the novel with the perfect pace. Plots developed respectfully and there was never a dull moment because the point of view would always shift giving the reader a bit of leverage over the characters. Overall, it was a bone-chilling thrill of a novel to read; this is definitely a great mystery, thriller, romance that should be read.

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