Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Hit Refresh

Hi friends, happy Wednesday, I hope you’re all having a good week so far! Today I’m posting my review of Satya Nadella’s biography, Hit Fresh.

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Hit Refresh

Hit Refresh by: Satya Nadella: This was Microsoft’s third CEO, Satya Nadella’s biography about what it means to him to be the CEO of the company and his look back and look forward into how Microsoft improved in the industry and how they can in the future. This talked about where Microsoft started and what their goal was, and how that branched out into what it is today and where they can go, mostly in respect to the Internet, the Cloud and AI. This was a short read, but it felt long. This book is now over five years old and the concepts in this aren’t exactly new or earth shattering. He did talk about how we need to revaluate how we look at AI and how it can be helpful and useful to humans if we just gave it a fair chance, which this reader thought was a fair point. But also looking at it in today’s view and what we’ve seen AI can be used for, it makes the point a little more hesitant of a fair point. Nadella also spoke a lot about empathy and how he learned how to be empathic through personal anecdotes and how he could use that at his job at Microsoft. He tried to be personable with his audience but because this reader didn’t feel all that interested in this, it fell flat. It didn’t help that the writing was boring and bland, there wasn’t anything about this that really stood out to the reader. In the end, this really did read like a CEO talking about how great his company is, which is a little egotistical, and a little tedious, like Microsoft clapping itself on the back for all the great they perceive to have done. This wasn’t a bad read, it just didn’t do anything for this reader; they probably weren’t the target audience for this.

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