
Would You Rather Bookish Challenge Tag

Hello friends, happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be doing the Would You Rather Bookish Challenge tag… I’m really excited to get started! I was tagged by Emer @A Little Haze Book Blog, if you’re not already following her, you should rectify that and go do it! Emer is definitely one of a kind and I’m so glad to have met her in the blogging world! 💞😃

The Rules

  • Answer the 10 questions given to you by your nominator.
  • Make up your own 10 questions and tag others to answer them.

Emer’s Questions

  • Would you rather meet your favourite author or your favourite fictional character?

OooOOooOOooo I’m going to go favourite author!

  • Would you rather read a book where the last chapter was missing or a book with spelling errors on every page?

EMER! This is so hard. Spelling errors drive me bonkers… but I think if the last chapter was missing I’d just be completely pissed off… so I’ll stick with the spelling errors. Maybe I’d find them funny 😅

  • Would you rather write the book of your life or have someone else write it?

WELL! I would definitely be writing it because… it’s already written… I’ve kept a journal every day for the past 7 years, and even before then I sporadically kept a journal. Needless to say, I have notebooks upon notebooks of my life! 😅

  • Would you rather read books only once or only reread books you have already read?

I’m going with reading books once. Yes this means I’d never get to read Dorian Gray again, but I love exploring new stories!

  • Would you rather be told all the spoilers from a book before you read it or read the book with one page in every thirty pages missing?

Huh, this is hard. I wouldn’t like it if pages were missing… but if they were missing I could just make up my own story haha… okay I think I’m going to go withe missing pages; I hate being spoiled!

  • Would you rather be stuck in a lift / elevator alone with a book you are hating reading or with another person who is a stranger to you?

I guess I’ll say a stranger because at least I don’t hate them… yet 😅As much as it would be awkward to be stuck with this other person… I’d rather that then be fuming.

  • Would you rather be only ever allowed to read in the morning or at nighttime?

I’m going to say nighttime because half the time I’m still asleep in the morning… and no reading can be done that way!

  • Would you rather read nothing but books from one genre that you are ambivalent about in a given year or have to read one book from your least favourite genre every month?

I’m going to go with read one book from my least favourite genre every month. My least favourite genre is erotica, I think I could deal with it once a month. I think I can handle 12 books over the 90+ I read a year.

  • Would you rather be allowed to only ever read the last book in a series or never be allowed to read the last book in a series?

Hmmf, well I think I’m going to go with only reading the last book; at least I’d have a bit of the story and would get an ending… the other option is too mean! 😆

  • Would you rather drop your favourite book or your mobile phone in a toilet?

Hahahahaha… I’ve already dropped my phone in the toilet (and yes it was a public toilet) so I’d do it again to save my favourite book. Books can’t come back from being wet… phones can… I’m proof of that!

Yay! Now it’s your turn! I’m going to use the same questions as Emer because I’m unoriginal and these were hella good and truly hard to answer!

  1. Would you rather meet your favourite author or your favourite fictional character?
  2. Would you rather read a book where the last chapter was missing or a book with spelling errors on every page?
  3. Would you rather write the book of your life or have someone else write it?
  4. Would you rather read books only once or only reread books you have already read?
  5. Would you rather be told all the spoilers from a book before you read it or read the book with one page in every thirty pages missing?
  6. Would you rather be stuck in a lift / elevator alone with a book you are hating reading or with another person who is a stranger to you?
  7. Would you rather be only ever allowed to read in the morning or at nighttime?
  8. Would you rather read nothing but books from one genre that you are ambivalent about in a given year or have to read one book from your least favourite genre every month?
  9. Would you rather be allowed to only ever read the last book in a series or never be allowed to read the last book in a series?
  10. Would you rather drop your favourite book or your mobile phone in a toilet?

The Orangutan Librarian | AnnaElsie LMC |

Again, if tags aren’t your thing, feel free to skip out. If you see this and want to take part, feel free to go right ahead! 🙂

9 thoughts on “Would You Rather Bookish Challenge Tag

  1. I would 100% be dropping my book in the toilet over my phone. Phones are much too expensive and I’m always wrecking my books anyway…not sure I’d pick my book out of a loo and keep it though. I’d be like nice knowing you, thank you next 😂😂😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My phone was completely fine after I dropped it! It was at a concert, I forgot my phone was in my back pocket and when I went to pull my pants down… in the phone went. I was quick to grab it, but it worked, I still took photos at the concert and everything! 😂
      Oh gosh! I would definitely not be keeping the book if I dropped it either! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’d go with meeting my favorite author just as well, even if I’d be a nervous mess haha 🙂 and wow I can’t believe you dropped your phone in the toilet once, I would have felt so so bad 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! It was an experience, but it wasn’t as bad as it sounds, really. Plus, the phone still worked… make sure to clean it, and you’re good!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This seems like such a fun tag to do, though the questions are tricky to decide on. I loved reading through your answers! 😀 Thank you for tagging me! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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