TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… True Blood Season Two

Hi! Welcome to TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be talking all about season two of True Blood.

From left to right: Rutina Wesley as Tara Thorton, Alexander Skarsgård as Eric Northman, Michelle Forbes as Maryann Forrester, Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse, Sam Trammell as Sam Merlotte, Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse and Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton

This season is off to a preeeety good start!

We start off right where we left off in season one, the scene of the crime. We find out the body in the detective’s car is the woman who did the exorcist, and her heart was ripped out. Now we have a new killer.

Tara is freaked out, obviously and she doesn’t want to tell the cops that she knows the woman, but in the end she does, and her mother has to find out and doesn’t believe a word Tara says.

When she’s done and ready to go home, Maryann is there for her, and then she goes off on Tara’s mother about how bad a mother she is, holy damn is she ever rude.

Maryann is really weird and I just want to know more about her. We do get to learn a little more through Sam. As we found out last season Sam knows her and we find out through his flashback thoughts how he met her by breaking into her house when he was 17 and she somewhat showed her a part of her. Now he’s going back to her, I’m hoping we find out why.

Sookie is going through the motions, then when she’s finally stable she finds out her great uncle Bartlett died, as Bill killed him last season. The cops have no evidence as to how he died other than he fell into the lake and decomposed.

She somehow figured out that Bill had something to do with it and when he admits to it, she doesn’t know of she can trust him not to kill everyone who has hurt her. But when he professes his love for her, well they can’t stay away from each other.

She finds out that her uncle left her money because he liked her so much, and she wants no part of it so she gives it to Jason.

Jason is acting weird, he’s turning over a new leaf by joining some purity group. He spends some time with this group at some camp like place where they are holier than thou and it’s weird to see Jason there.

They have this almost AA meeting about being attacked by a vampire and damn does he roast them! He tells them that he thinks the vampires that he’s met are good people and Steve and Sarah the leaders, fight back that they aren’t people, people wouldn’t do that. That’s when Jason brings up all the killing Rene did, and goes ‘he was a person’ damn! Yes Jason!

I just hate that Sarah begs him to stay with the group because God needs him there but you can tell Jason knows he doesn’t belong there. I like that Jason keeps pushing them and testing them on the ‘rules’ of god.

What I don’t like is Steve’s wife, Sarah is totally obsessed with Jason and she just wants bone him. I hate watching it. As I’ve said I’ve grown to like Jason and I like the person he’s becoming, I just need him to leave this camp.

And Jason is becoming a true hero with all the leaders at this camp. Sarah, since she’s not getting along with her husband she wants Jason. He’s been pretty good at saying no so far, but sadly I think he gives in.

Bill is still trying to tame his vampire Jessica, she doesn’t like the taste of blood so this could be a problem. When Sookie first meets her Sookie is not happy because she doesn’t like Bill he’s done this, but she soon kinda gets used to it. Jessica makes me laugh.

But Jessica is trying to fit in to be a vampire and she hates it, it’s Sookie who talks to her and make her feel better.

Nooooooo! So last season we see Lafayette get either taken or killed, and we never know what has happened to him. Well this season we find out that he’s chained up in a dank basement. We find out that it’s Eric that’s been keeping him and a few others like locked up. I love Eric so I don’t like he’s doing this!  So it’s possible that they’re holding him because of the vampire blood he took and sold. He doesn’t give up everything so he’s not let go.


So what does he do, he tries to escape and lucky him it’s day time, but unlucky the screaming human they keep around trying to keep watch over him. Well that doesn’t work so well as he gets shot in the leg and she freaks out way more than he does.

Tara thinks her life is pretty perfect that it’s too good to be true. Living at Maryann’s everything is done for her and she even has a boy who lives with her who is supposed to be the perfect guy. Is his name eggs? Like what kind of name is that? It’s later we learn his name is Benedict, but people just call him eggs. When she talks to Sookie about it, that’s when Sookie asks her to move in with her. I hope Tara does because Maryann is weird. She spends all day in Sam’s restaurant ordering food all day, Terry thinks it’s weird. Then she causes the whole place to dance. Sam knows it’s her who’s causing his place to go crazy, and then she turns him into a dog… with a shirt on? Normally he looses his clothes so weird.

Oh no, what has Sookie done? She takes Jessica to see her house, but of course she goes crazy when she sees her sister and that’s when her mother sees her. Now she has to pretend to be human that is until her father comes home and stars to yell and she shows that she’s a vampire. Well this ends badly and Bill has to come and safe the day, boy is Bill mad at Sookie.

He’s so mad at her that she can’t stand to be in the car with him so she leaves. That was bad on her part as while in the forest in the dark, she gets attacked by some creature with claws. She becomes poisoned and Bill takes her to his doctor where it’s either a lot of pain or to be turned and Bill doesn’t want either but he goes with pain. Eric wants to change her, but obviously it doesn’t happen; he also wants to know what is in that forest.

Once Sookie wakes up, she runs into Ginger, the human they keep around, and she almost lets up about watching Lafayette but because Sookie can read minds she finds out anyways and now she’s determined to get him out.

Sookie is not afraid of Eric and he’s nonplused about that. If anything it feels like there is some sort of tension between them. In the end they let Lafayette go. That’s when Lafayette declares he’s done with his dealings with the vampires.

Sam has hired a new girl Daphne and man has she just been a hot mess, she messes up at every turn I wonder how this is going to work out.

Then a few scenes later we see that she has a giant scratch on her back, so the same thing that attacked Sookie attacked her, or she is what attacked Sookie.

Well we find out that she is also a shape shifter so Sam is intrigued.  He asks her how she got the scars on her back but she doesn’t know. But I don’t know if I believe her.

We find out that she can turn into a pig, a pig that Andy saw at Maryann’s house that he’s been obsessed with. So now I believe she has a connection with Maryann. Well it didn’t take long, she leads him to Maryann’s orgie party, my guess is so that Maryann can finally get what she wants from Sam.

Well now Sam is ready to jump ship his life and hit the road. He asks Terry to look after the bar, but he wants no part in it. So now he has to figure out what he’s going to do before he leaves as everyone that works for him seems to be disappearing (Lafayette has been kidnapped, Tara doesn’t show up for work because of Maryann’s influence and Sookie is getting better).

Left to her own devices Jessica goes out to to find herself some company. Knowing full well she’s a vampire the guy is okay with this and thinks she’s beautiful, you can totally tell he likes vampires. Bill freaks when he comes home to Jessica, what looks like feeding on him, and all she wants to do is make out with him, so Bill reluctantly agrees with that.

So Tara takes Sookie up on her offer to move in, and obviously Maryann is not happy about that but she plays it like she’s all fine with it. It’s also Tara’s birthday so Maryann decides she’s going to throw a huge bash. Her mother goes looking for her and asks Sam since she thinks they’re still together. I think it’s sweet, even though I can’t stand what her mother has put her through.

So Sam goes to give the present. Well that birthday bash becomes a giant orgie.

Since Tara moved in, Sookie tells her about Lafayette and now she’s worried about him. But I don’t know what Eric does to him, but he just wants to fuck and dance.

Once he’s returned to normal he goes back to Sam asking for a job back.

Eric needs Sookie’s expertise again because of what attacked her and so Bill has to take her to Dallas. Someone tries to kidnap her so now it’s this big thing about having a traitor amount them.

Omg on this trip she meets Barry, a guy who can also read minds! Daaaaaaamn! But he doesn’t want anything to do with her. She keeps trying but he keeps running away, literally, as he quit his job.

Speaking of running away, since Tara moved into Sookie’s Maryann has moved in too. At first Tara wants her to leave, so what does Maryann do? Oh she sets her crazy powers on her and makes everyone at work turn against them just so that Tara will go back to Maryann. I hate that plot, but I guess I’ll live with it for now.

Now I don’t remember why Maryann moved in with them, but when the hot water tank goes lord is she cranky as fuck, Tara has to go and get a part or something for it; she has to convince Maryann to let eggs go with her, but she does and eggs makes them stop in the woods where he thinks he’s been before. They decide to go home after that only to find the house a mess and in the woods a giant orgie and they see Maryann in her true form.

We get to see how Eric died and became a vampire; I have to say it was different. The vampire gave him the choice of being a vampire since he was wounded during a war. The vampire, Godric was watching him before he attacked, like hewas searching for a new vampire.

Well Eric has invited Bill’s old lover to seduce him so that Eric can have Sookie, I have a feeling he wants Sookie for more than just her mind.

Wow Bill had a vicious past with this lover of his.

Yes Terry! So the cop, Andy is Terry’s cousin, of course. So when Andy accuses Lafayette of killing women since he’s been gone, well Lafayette freaks out so bad from his experience and it’s Terry who steps in and calms him down, such a good scene. Andy’s been on a weird every since he’s been drinking again he can’t seem to control himself; he thinks everyone hates him and thinks he’s a bad cop.

Oh no here comes a recipe for disaster. Sookie is on a mission with Hugo who also has dated a vampire. The two of them are off to visit with the same church camp that Jason is staying, pretending to be a vampire-hating couple finding a church to get married. They are trying to see where they are hiding Godric, but when she reads their minds, she finds out that they know she likes vampires and that’s they’re pretty much lying.

And so Steve locks the two of them into a room, Sarah is beside herself.

I’m not going to lie, Jessica and Hoyt are the cutest couple!

Damn the story arches are truly insane; so much has happened in the first half of the season alone. I hope we lose Maryann soon because she’s the only character I truly hate, everyone else I really like.

Okay so Sookie’s plot line has finally been laid out in plain terms she and Hugo have been sent by the vampires to search for Godric because that’s who The Light of Day camp have taken as a sacrifice. Uh the way Eric denies that he doesn’t like Sookie is actually kinda cute.

Sookie thought Bill would come save her, but he’s tied up with an old lover. That’s when Hugo lets out their real names and Steve puts together she’s related to Jason, only he won’t tell Sookie how he knows.

Jason on the other hand wants to leave the camp because he’s slept with Sarah and Sarah wants to tell her husband. Well Steve stops him before he can go- obviously Jason thinks it’s because he slept with his wife, but it’s really about being a vampire lover.

He gets chased in the forest until he finds Sarah, who shoots him?!?!? Why?!? Turns out it was a paintball gun, and Sarah thinks that Jason has betrayed her because she thinks his reasons to come to the camp were the same as his sister’s to spy on them and try to rescue the vampire they have.

Meanwhile still locked up, Sookie uses her powers to try and contact Barry- I hope he comes to save her; and we find out that Hugo is the one they’re looking for, he’s the traitor.

BARRY! He goes to tell Bill what Sookie told him and damn it’s Eric who flies faster than the speed of life to save her? As it’s Godric who saves her from being raped. I was hoping it would be Eric.

Eric does show up and he’s the one that tries to get Sookie out. Only they are swarmed. Now that they have Eric they don’t need Godric as a sacrifice.

I didn’t think you could kill a vampire with a tv but Bill does it and leaves to rescue Sookie.

They have Eric tied up and so when Bill shows up it causes some disruption, then Jason shows up and shoots Steve with a paintball gun, yes Jason! That leaves Sookie free to go and save Eric, the look on Bill’s face is priceless and when Eric asks her if she’s fine Bill is so mad, I am kinda liking this plot. Totally shipping Sookie and Eric.

Then the vampires of Dallas show up and threatens to kill everyone, but it’s Godric who says they don’t need to be violent if everyone can keep away from each other.

Once Daphne takes Sam to Maryann’s orgie party and because they are shape shifters they don’t conform to her powers. We learn that what attacked both Daphne and Sookie was Maryann.

Now the vampires have Lafayette selling V; I wonder where this is going to go.

Tara and eggs can’t remember what happened the night of the orgie and when Arleen says she can’t remember anything from the same night and she thinks that’s weird. Arleen also thinks she may have date raped Terry. I know rape stories are not good, but what I like about this one is that they flip the script and it’s the girl instead of the guy, something original. Like this show

Omg Hoyt admits to Jessica that he’s a virgin and she says the same so he decorates the room and plays music to set the scene for their first time- these guys!!!

Lord, the reason eggs took Tara to that weird place was because Maryann gets him to do all her kills and dumps them there; she makes him kill Daphne. Then Sam finds her with her heart cut out. Well now we know it’s Maryann who’s been doing those killings. The cops come before Sam can even call 911. And Maryann eats the heart, I think that’s how she stays alive, feasting on human hearts.

Maryann totally set Sam up, but then it’s Andy who tries to come to Sam’s rescue. Andy’s been babbling all season about a bull but when he says he saw Sam being attacked by the bull no one believes him, but Sam knows to go with the story.

Okay so I was wrong, Maryann feeds it to Tara and eggs. This could be bad.

Turns out Bill’s lover, Lorena isn’t dead, she just lost a lot of blood. So she ends up going out to find Sookie, I bet she wants to get rid of Sookie. But she’s the one who tells Sookie about the hotel room, since Bill didn’t want to tell her.

Well hot damn it’s a cat fight between a human and a vampire; it gets to the point where Sookie might die but it’s Godric who saves her and wants to protect her. Godric is this holier than thou vampire, he’s like the Jesus of the vampires.

This guy named Luke shows up, Jason knows him from camp, and he’s still a vampire hater so he shows up with a bomb tired to his body with sliver. He lets the bomb go and all the other vampire haters come out to finish the rest off.

We find Sookie shocked, Eric on top of her to save her. Lord they are just so adorable! He can’t heal himself because he has silver bullets in him, so she has to remove them, why does she have to suck them out? He is totally enjoying it. Apparently now that she’s sucked his blood, Eric will now be able to feel her emotions and know where she is. She may even feel some attraction to him. Sookie is pissed, but Eric is not. Holy talk about a love triangle- this is one I can very much get behind.

Jessica is having some issues, every time she has sex she’ll be a virgin and she is very upset about that. Which does suck; but what about all the other vampires that are women, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this.

Well Sam has been locked up for murder, he sees a fly and uses his shape shifter abilities to escape. Now he’s literally being a fly on the wall. He witnessed a huge fight between Tara, her mother, eggs and Lafayette as Maryann is totally causing it all. Lafayette is worried about Tara because she’s all bruised and hurt. But obviously Tara doesn’t want to go home, she’s under Maryann’s curse. Now Maryann is looking for Sam, but she can’t find him, and I bet Sam isn’t going to go and surrender himself. Instead he goes to Andy.

So because Godric has left the vampires looking bad for the public he has to be punished for what Hugo did. In the end they, being the vampires, decide he needs to give himself up and pretty much die. Lord Eric is so broken up about it since that his maker. Seeing Eric cry was just so sad and heartbreaking. It was a little scary to see him cry blood tears but that didn’t stop him from being attractive.

Sookie decides that she’s going to be there for Godric under the end, and so they stand on the roof and wait for the sun to come up. Godric isn’t sad to die, in fact he’s happy he’s been alive 2000 years he’s ready to go. Sookie is the one who’s sad and crying, which surprises Godric even after all the time he’s been alive. In the end he bursts into such pretty flames; they really give him a nice death.

So Sookie, Jason and Bill make their way back home and find the town under some sort of spell. We all know it’s Maryann’s curse, so now Sookie feels the need to fix it all. We find out that she has this kind of superpower, when she goes up against Maryann light came out of her hand, I wonder what that means?

Bill can’t bite her because she’s a demon without blood, so when he does bite her he gets sick.

Sam has been hiding low at Andy’s but when Arleen calls he knows he can’t hide forever. So he goes to his bar and all of Maryann’s minions capture him. We all know Maryann’s games won’t go away until she gets what she wants from Sam, whatever it may be.

Then Jason comes to save both Sam and Andy, Jason pretends to be god and take Sam from them so that gets the minions off their backs. But then Sam does his shape shifting trick and Jason and Andy are super confused.

Tara, like the rest of the town is under the curse and when Sookie and Bill get there they try to wake her up. It takes a lot of effort from the two of them, but they do it. But how long will Tara be Tara before the curse takes over? Well not much as once she’s calmed down she wants to go save eggs. Everyone thinks it’s a bad idea, it’s her mother who can’t stand it anymore and points a gun at Lafayette who freaks out and Sookie has to let her out. Tara goes after eggs and runs into Maryann.

Oh my gawd, so the whole reason Maryann is here is because Tara summonsed her when she got her exorcist. Damnnnn. I still don’t know what she wants with Sam. What we do know is she’s mad at her minions for letting Sam go. Oh and we also learn what she is: a Maenads.

So Lafayette and Sookie go out to get Tara, but things don’t go so well. Sookie gets hooked up with some minions, and Lafayette actually meets Maryann, and she curses him. Noooooo! Sookie finds Tara and eggs, but they’re making a nest for an egg- what the absolute fuck?!

Now Bill has to go to one of his vampires to see if they can destroy Maryann once and for all. Only the queen of the vampire clan there tells Bill that they can’t kill her because she believes she’s immortal. She invites Bill to stay the day. Interesting.

Sam is stuck with Arleen’s kids since she’s under the Maryann curse. He’s gone to go visit Eric to see if he can stop Maryann. He says that he knows someone that may know something, let me guess the same person Bill went to go see? Yes of course it is, and yes the two have a pissy match for Sookie. Eric makes me laugh. 1) When it comes to the children:

and 2) with Bill:

Hoyt and Jessica break up, sad face. Hoyt’s mother is under the curse and saying a lot of mean things that Jessica loses her temper and bites his mother. That’s when Hoyt freaks out.

The season ends on Maryann’s wedding. We find out that Sam is the offering she’s been looking for to stay alive because she’s marrying a god and she needs Sam so she can stay alive pretty much. She’s known it’s been Sam since they met all those years ago.

We also find out the egg is an ostrich egg, not sure what that was needed for since she got Sam.

Jason and Andy go to kill Maryann but get out under her curse. They end up capturing Sam because Bill sacrifices him, and it’s eggs who does the killing. Sam gets stabbed but he does this sneaky maneuver and escapes and becomes this cow/bull thing which Maryann thinks is her husband and that’s when he attacks and pulls her heart out, killing her. Damn.

Now the town has woken up and no one knows what has happened. This bugs eggs because he has blood on his hands. He goes to Sookie to find out what happened and when she helps him remember he freaks out.

He goes to Andy it looks like to confess but when he pulls the knife he used to kill everyone Jason comes out of the woods and shoots him dead. Andy protects Jason and says that he didn’t see anything.

Sam is finally going to get away, and he goes to his step parents house so that he can find his birth parents.

Bill sets up this whole elaborate evening just so he can ask Sookie to marry him. Well she isn’t so sure at first, when she finally collects herself and decides she does want to marry him, Bill is gone. Someone has kidnaped him, damnnnnn what a way to end the season. I was so mad when Bill asked her to marry him, as I’ve expressed I don’t care for them as a couple and sorry Bill but you’re not attractive. I just hope it wasn’t Eric who kidnaped him so that he can have Sookie, although I don’t think it would be.

This season has been full of weirdness, it wasn’t my favourite but there is always that redeeming quality *Eric*.

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