TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Six Feet Under Season Three

Happy Tuesday friends!ย  Today on TV Tuesday I’ll be chatting all about Six Feet Under, season 3.

From left to right: Michael C. Hall as David Fisher, Mathew St. Patrick as Keith Charles, Freddy Rodriguez as Federico Diaz, Lauren Ambrose as Claire Fisher, Lili Taylor as Lisa Kimmel Fisher, Peter Krause as Nate Fisher, Rachel Griffiths as Brenda Chenowith and Frances Conroy as Ruth Fisher.


OMG THIS SHOW! So we’re lead to believe that Nate has died, and he’s seeing his life or the life he could have had.ย I had this prediction after that, that they would kill him off and he’d become a ghost like his father, and I have to say we were going that way, but I’m very glad I was wrong and that Nate is not dead!

I told you he wouldn’t die! He died for a few minutes in surgery and that’s what all those lives he was seeing. But then it’s kinda weird when most of them come true.

Now it’s 7 months later and Nate has actually married Lisa and the two of them are relatively happy.

Ruth is way too happy watching the baby, so much so that you can see Lisa starting to push back and tell her to do things for herself.

David and Keith are in couples therapy so that David can get all his feelings out in the open without Keith yelling. Keith doesn’t look like he wants to do therapy so we’ll see if it works.

The therapist says they need hobbies outside of work and the relationship so David auditions for a gay men’s chorus line. I hope he gets it.

We find out that Claire made it into the art school, but she’s not that thrilled when she has to draw perfect circles on command.

She also meets a guy when she has to do a run for the guys and pick up a body. When Federico finds out, he’s not happy. I’m really starting to hate him. He now tells them he doesn’t want to be treated like an employee so he thinks he’s better than everyone else. Like doesn’t he realize that David and Nate ask each other to do things all the time, even things that may seem like grunt work so why does he feel he needs special treatment? Also they changed the name! I didn’t think they would but why not Fisher & Diaz.

Gosh the relationships this season. Right from the beginning they’re pissing me off. David and Keith are being the same and holding on by a thread, I bet they won’t last through therapy. Nate and Lisa are too perfect, like they admit to not ever having a fight and it’s not organic at all. Instead Lisa is this super control freak and Nate just does whatever she says, like he doesn’t even speak his mind anymore. Hello new robot Nate, I don’t like him.

Then there’s Federico and lord don’t get me started on him. So there is a shooter who went and shot up his old workplace and then killed himself. So the family of the shooter want a funeral and Federico is so against it. He blames the parents for how their son turned out. Sometimes you really can’t control that as much as you want to. Obviously they aren’t proud of it but they still love him. I like how David freaks out on Federico for his self righteous bullshit.

Then there’s Claire and her new boyfriend, or so she thought, apparently he just wants to see her and see other girls too. Claire is pissed about that buy then agrees to it?

And then there’s Sarah, Ruth’s sister. She tricks Ruth into picking up herself Vicodin prescription. Like right when she said that I knew something was up, oh poor naive Ruth. Well Sarah is on a detox of drugs that includes the Vicodin and she’s miserable but we do get to see the ruthless side of Ruth and it’s great!

While with her sister we meet Sarah’s friend Bettina, and the two become good friends. Only Bettina likes to shop lift and she even gets Ruth to steal some lipstick! Ruth is becoming a new person. This is one relationship I do like.

Keith and David go on this mini vacation and have the time of their lives, it almost looks like they’re getting better, but as soon as they head home and reach traffic they’re back to their hateful selves, boo!

Nate and Lisa are really starting to wear on each other, even though they don’t want to admit it. So Lisa’s job is essentially to make food, organic food for this movie producer named Carol, played by Catherine O’Here (and obviously the first thing I thought of when I saw her was KEVIN! ha)

Well Lisa ends up doing more than making food, but being there for her emotionally and supporting her. There is clearly something mentally wrong with Carol, even if she herself doesn’t want to admit it. Lisa just does her job without question because she and Nate live with Carol. But when Carol goes too far Lisa quits and they obviously have to move, so it’s off to Nate’s mother’s house.

I think Federico is starting to come back around. He agrees that he can’t get the people skills right, he just doesn’t know what to do. Nate tells him he’ll get used to it. But it’s clear that he never will, like I’ve been saying and thinking, I think Federico has bitten off more than he can chew with this business and he’s now realizing it.

Then there’s Claire. Her new boyfriend, or can I even call him that? He didn’t want to be exclusive with her and so she acts like she’s okay with that, but she’s not and when she talks about being exclusive, well he says it wasn’t organic enough to do that so that’s the end of that. I feel bad for her. I am glad she’s enjoying her art class.

I think Keith and David are finally, finally getting through whatever it was they were going through. When a gay guy dies and his significant other arranges a grand funeral and that gets David thinking about how he wants to stay with Keith. Sweet.

It’s Ruth’s birthday and everyone knows that Ruth hates her birthday so when Lisa plans a party everyone thinks it’s going to be a drag. It ends up being a party that lasts all night and Ruth gets drunk and they dance and sing all night long. It looked like a lot of fun, the only one not having fun was Nate as he has a run in with his father and comes to the realization that he’s becoming his father, and he hates that.

Claire can’t make it for the party, instead she’s out to a lecture with her professor and Russell. I love Russell. Everyone thinks he’s gay, but the next day he tells Claire he’s not, and Claire says he’s hot. They are my new ย couple to watch out for.

To make it up to her mom she asks her to go to a museum with her and it’s so sweet. I love the person Ruth is becoming!

So Russell pretty much asks Claire out, to his brother’s wedding in their art class, so sweet. But two seconds later look whose jealous… her art teacher, so her teacher asks her to be his assistant. She’s so excited and then Russell gets jealous, poor Russell. In the end Claire finds out that she’s not his artistic assistant, but his personal one. She has to drive him to the mall.

Federico gets this great idea in his head, to hire an apprentice, which means they don’t have to pay them. They hire this really weird guy, I wonder how long that will last.

And Nate, I’m really just kinda tired of his plot. He runs into Brenda, and they go out for lunch, and she’s doing this 12 step program and wants to apologize to him for being a complete bitch.

Omg Lisa is being psychotic. She’s jealous that Nate is out with Brenda and that Nate should have told her first. Ugh. And Nate just says okay and rolls with it. Lisa is also just really obsessed with money because she doesn’t want to go back to work until Maya is in kindergarten, so now she’s yelling at Nate for all the spending he’s doing.

He’s actually contemplating leaving, but will he actually do it? It seems like he’s going to do it because we all know he’s staying to be a good guy.

And Keith is really tired of his job so when there’s a break in at a rich person’s house and he’s late the cops just laugh and don’t think he can do the job. There’s another security on site and the two are left to close the house up. But the other guy wants to mess the house up and Keith just knocks him around when he starts to break things.

Nate and Lisa go on a camping trip with another couple with their kids and it turns out to be an interesting weekend. Nate is pissed at Lisa for all her rules and obviously both couples talk to each other about sex and their problems, although I don’t think they care about one another all that much. Finally, Nate and Lisa have a fight and all that built up anger comes out and I’m hoping that they won’t be so annoying.

Also while camping Nate has a dream that Brenda followed him to the camp site to tell him that she missed him, and they kiss, but then she throws herself off a cliff. I wonder what that is going to represent.

Ruth and the new guy are somewhat getting along, although I think Ruth is trying too hard to get along with him, and I’m not really sure why.

They have this really big man having a funeral and the night before he falls out of the casket. And when I say really big, the guy was really big. The new guy has to get everyone in the house to help lift him, which includes Ruth, Claire and Russell.

Speaking of Claire and Russell they finally kiss and have sex, they are cute. Claire happens to tell David about it, and this has David’s mind turning because Claire had told him that was Russell was gay, but when she tells David he’s not, David is still unconvinced. I hope Russell isn’t gay

So Brenda’s father dies and Nate thinks because she was there for him when his father died he should be there for her. Lisa agrees to let him go, but she’s away for the day so who’s going to watch Maya? Ruth is too busy stalking the new guy, Arthur. Lord she’s gone mad with this crush, it’s very peculiar to watch.

So Federico suggests his wife Vanessa to watch her since she’s home with their boys. When Nate gets there she seems so out of it and overworked that Nate goes back to work to tell Federico. At first he doesn’t want to believe it because of the higher ground he walks on. But he finally (I’m hoping) he realizes he needs to be more present in his families lives. I don’t like how he tells her that she should go to the doctor for medication, like he should have offered a vacation or some relaxing time. Not straight to the meds.

So Nate ends up taking Maya to the funeral. He catches up with Brenda and it’s nice because they can be civil to each other. When he tells Lisa he has to bring the baby, well she flips and has a problem with Brenda touching Maya. It’s a little weird, but now Nate is thinking that maybe he hasn’t found his soulmate.

And then we have Keith and David who go to a gay brunch. They play this game where they have to guess the famous woman’s name who is placed on their back. Keith has the worst time ever and can’t guess who’s on his back. Are we going to go into this whole plot of Keith not being gay? Because that’s where it looks like we’re going with this.

So Ruth just goes for it and kisses Arthur, and then she can’t stop kissing him even though he doesn’t want her to, oh boy!

When Ruth finally tells Arthur her true feelings Arthur accepts, cute couple.

Lisa goes to visit Brenda. But she does it sneaky. She goes as a client to get a massage, but she ends up crying and Brenda is actually very caring to her.

David goes to gay paint balling, and this is where Keith takes all his frustrations out on David, but in the end they get better, I think. One of Keith’s friends spent the night because he was too stoned to drive, in the end I think they have a threesome. Interesting.

Claire has to do yet another assignment for her professor and it turns out to be driving very far to pick something up. Russell stays with their prof and now Claire thinks he did something to Russell because he’s acting weird, but he keeps denying it, telling her he’s not gay. Maybe he’s lying to himself?

Ruth and Arthur are weird, but I like it. Instead of kissing they rub each other like animals and it’s kinda cute to watch.

So Claire has her big art show and well that’s just full of awkwardness. So Billy, Brenda and their mother show up because Billy knows Claire’s professor. We find out that Billy slept with the professor, but it was just sex nothing more. That gets Claire’s mind turning to Russell and her suspicions about him and the prof. Russell has been so weird. Then he finds out that his prof bought his artwork that he had to get a loan to finish. This just leads to Claire’s thoughts of the two getting together.

Then Brenda and Lisa “officially” meet in Nate’s presence. Brenda doesn’t know why she lied in the first place, so Nate and Lisa have a talk because Nate actually verbalizes leaving. But once they have a talk they agree to be friends and lovers, I hope this works for them.

Then there’s Vanessa and Federico. He tries to do good things for his wife, we can finally see he’s trying, but it’s not working. Now someone at work is giving her pills to take for her depression. This could be bad.

Well now that she’s on these pills she’s become a wild thing. She takes Fredrico dancing and it’s all fun and games until she comes down from her great high.

Ruth wants to move forward in her relationship with Arthur, which means sex, but Arthur’s never really had sex and so Ruth decides to end it. The heart to heart that she has with Claire is so adorable, they talking about boys.

Claire is also heartbroken because during class Russell has a breakdown. When he comes back for his stuff Claire is waiting for him, and that’s when he tells her he had sex with their professor, and that he’s really confused about his sexuality. Obviously Claire is super hurt by this.

Lisa goes away to visit her sister and so Nate stays home with Maya. Well while she’s away Brenda comes over.

So Brenda and Billy are now back on the show and so Brenda has moved in with Billy, which is a bad idea. And so one night they decide to watch the movie version of their favourite book, and Billy gets mad at how wrong they get it. After this he kisses Brenda (because we all knew that there was some sort of incest between them). Brenda freaks out and this leads her to visiting Nate.

They have a nice night, that is until she kisses him, like really kisses him. But he obviously isn’t pulling away either. She feels guilty and leaves, and Nate now feeling guilty tries to reach Lisa, but can’t. This is worrisome.

Then there’s David and Keith. I believe they are in a good place now. Keith’s aunt dies and so they drive out to the funeral. Keith plans to talk to his father and forgive his father for the harsh childhood he had, but when he goes to do this, his father snaps at him and tells him that Keith should be forgiving him because he’s gay. That’s when David intervenes and starts to spew that he beat his children and cheated on his wife, well that makes things worse. Keith says David should mind his own business that it’s not his family, so David says if that’s the case he should leave, and does so. Keith’s father then says that he should have kicked in David’s teeth for saying those things and that’s when Keith says fuck you and leaves.

So Lisa is still missing and Nate is going crazy. He’s called everyone with no luck. They get a call that they’ve found her car, but not her. Ruth is so in denial about something being wrong, she thinks that Lisa just had car trouble. But when they find the car empty, that’s when Ruth breaks down on a stranger, who I bet won’t be a stranger for much longer.

So Nate goes to see the car and sees a few things that are questionable, but the cops can’t really do anything. Keith tries to help out, but there’s not much he can do either.

David and Keith are coming to a close I feel. Keith is starting to become a different person, the person he was more so in season one and it’s good to see that Keith again. But I also think that David has grown as a character too, and he’s outgrown Keith and wants better.

Then there’s Claire. Poor Claire. So Russell won’t leave her alone because he thinks they are meant to be together, oh how my opinion of him has changed. Now he just seems so crazy. Then Claire starts to feel weird and throw up, that was my first sign, then she takes a pregnancy test and it’s positive. Gosh it’s Russell’s baby, yikes!

Okay so I don’t know which one is right. So Vanessa is clinically depressed and Federico doesn’t know what to do. Vanessa’s sister is also helping out. Now Federico and Vanessa’s sister don’t get along so he’s biting his tongue a lot. When her sister decides they should go shopping Federico says okay thinking it’ll be a new pair of shoes or whatnot, instead it turns out to be a new tv and fridge, which is a little extreme. So Federico is pissed, but her sister points out that she takes care of the kids all day while also having a full time job she deserves something new. Like I see both points of view, but I don’t really know who is right. Like I know she needs things, but a new tv and fridge at the same time? That’s a bit much.

Now everyone is cheating on everyone, geez.

David cheats on Keith after a giant fight they have. Keith is tired of David standing up and fighting for him because he thinks he doesn’t need anybody. That’s when David looses it and I feel so much for him. We’ve never seen him raise his voice before and wow. David tells Keith that he doesn’t think he even likes him. So he has sex with one of his friends from choir.

When Keith gets home from work that’s when David breaks up with Keith. Wow again, the voice comes out again. He tells Keith it isn’t up for debate and the hurt on Keith’s face, woah who knew that Keith had it in him to look so sad. I never thought I’d feel as sad as I feel. I was getting so tired of them, that now that there is no they, I’m sad.

Nate cheats on Lisa while she’s missing with some girl who’s lost her father (a father who was a murderer). Ruth and David even say they think Lisa is dead. Nate is going crazy, he’s not sleeping, he’s taking pills with booze and he’s got scenarios playing in his head about what happened to Lisa.

Brenda is worried about Nate and when he doesn’t pick up her calls she goes to visit, but Nate wants nothing to do with her. So Claire takes this as an opportunity to ask Brenda if she’ll drive her to her abortion. Claire has decided to abort the baby, it almost looks like she won’t do it, but she does and Brenda is there to take care of her afterwards. It’s actually kinda sweet to see the two of them getting along.

And like I said, that stranger Ruth cried on is no longer a stranger, but a man named George. And the two of them move very fast, so fast that they think about getting married! That is until she finds out that he’s been married 6 times! Wow. I have this weird feeling he isn’t who he says he is.

In the season finale I don’t know if things get better or worse.

Nate isn’t walking around like a zombie anymore, now he’s screaming at everyone. He drives away business and then yells at his mother, and boy is it ever a yelling match. He’s starting to leave Maya around with everyone and yelling at them when they can’t do a simple thing. Then he cheats again, but is it really cheating if Lisa could be dead.

So Ruth is going to marry George even though no one wants them to. It’s only Claire who comes around after going to visit her father’s grave, and you know has a talk with him like everyone can in this show. I like that he’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt with the highest socks ever.

Well while she’s on deaths side for a visit she sees Gabe! Turns out he died, but he’s a better person in the afterlife.


She keeps walking and finds Lisa, so I think we can assume she’s dead. Oh that’s so sad. She also sees the baby she aborted. Lisa says she’ll take care of her baby if Claire takes care of Maya. I think Claire feels less guilt about killing her baby now that she has Maya to look after.

At their wedding, Claire completely breaks down and it seems like no one cares about that. David and Keith go and then Arthur shows up with a gift, can we say weird wedding? It feels like it’s a complete dream.

Haha one of Federico’s dancing friends takes him out for a drink… to a strip club. He really takes a liking to one of the dancers, but I don’t think he’ll do anything. Well he gets a blow job and he couldn’t feel more guilty. He and Vanessa are stilling having problems, but now it’s more about her sister mooching off them.

David and Keith have a very, very long chat and I think they’re going to get back together! Yay. The fact that they went to Ruth’s wedding means it’s a good sign!

When Nate gets the call about Lisa well doesn’t he go out to cause trouble. He gets into a bar fight so badly. And it makes sense why they kept Brenda around because they kept her in this episode and she was making friends with her neighbour and it wasn’t going so well.

Well Nate goes to Brenda at the end of the night. Because at first he was ready to die, but after the fight he wasn’t so he went to the only place he knew he could go.

So I want to know how she died, like I want more. I hope we get some answers next season.

6 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Six Feet Under Season Three

  1. I just finished watching this series and it is a true masterpiece! I found your AWESOME posts when I was trying (unsuccessfully) to find a picture from the scene where Keith & David are cooking and David goes off about Keith wanting control over everything happening inside the wok. LOL Never laughed so hard at a scene in my life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really glad to hear you enjoyed the show, it’s one of my favourites! Definitely one of the best!
      That’s hilarious how you found my posts, thank you for checking them out! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

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