TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Dexter Season Six

Hi all, and welcome back to TV Tuesday! This week I’m coming at you with season six of Dexter.

So we start back a year later and things are a little different.

Our new killer is completely fucked up! They kill, take out their intestines, and replace them with snakes and sew the dead body back up, talk about disgusting!

Dexter has his 20 year high school reunion and he’s super excited about it, now I don’t know why I was surprised, but I figured it out, he’s on the hunt. At first I thought he was going to kill a girl, but no he’s killing a guy.

The guy was a complete ass in high school beating his girlfriend, and then once she became his wife, he killed her. Only making sure that he has the right guy has become a very big challenge. Once he does, it’s a bit of struggle to kill him, but he obviously gets the job done. We find out he killed his wife because a divorce was too expensive; that’s a new excuse.

Dexter is really finding God this season. Harrison is now old enough for preschool, and Angel has given Dexter a referral to a religious school, and Dexter at first can’t get past that, but once he really thinks it over, he accepts God and Jesus.

Speaking of Angel, he and LaGuerta get divorced. I didn’t see that coming. We also get to meet his sister, Jamie.

LaGuerta has gotten a promotion to captain, so she gives her role as  lieutenant to Angel. Everyone is moving up in the working world. Only captain Matthews doesn’t think Angel should have the job, but Deb should. Deb is completely flabbergasted, but in the end she takes it.

LaGuerta is pissed that Deb got the job, and she thinks it’s her fault that Angel didn’t get it, she thinks Matthew is out to get her so that’s why he didn’t get the position, I swear not everything is about her. Oh no, she goes to Matthew, just oh no.

So Quinn is acting all weird, and I knew it he was going to ask Deb to marry him. But just as he’s about to do it gunshots ring out and they have to do their job. Now everyone thinks she’s a hero, and that’s also what gets her lieutenant. Apparently she’s the youngest to ever make lieutenant.

But Quinn gets his chance once more, and so Deb gets proposed to and a promotion all in one day. Only she turns down Quinn and Quinn is pissed! And when he finds out that she’s made lieutenant, he’s shocked, and I don’t know how happy he is.

Vince now has interns this year as he’s teaching a college course and his interns are interesting.

It’s crazy to see Harrison talking, and now Dexter has to figure out to deal with the that because he’ll start to understand what his dad does, and he’s already saying “daddy’s box”.

And now that Dexter is all on this holy kick, all of our killers are religious too. Interesting choice writers.

Dexter is going down memory lane, and he’s out to find the serial killer who started him down the line of killing; the tooth fairy is what they called him, and he stole teeth. We find out that this guy is an old man who is bitter about life. But the tooth fairy has caught on to him but Dexter is better, and he doesn’t kill him like he normally does, but makes it look like he died an old man.

Dexter is a little worried that he’s going to end up like this guy, but I think Dexter has more compassion… I think.

So these new killers are extremely insane. They cut up a body and sew it to a mannequin, they put them on horses, then put all sorts of little codes for them to figure out. It isn’t until they kill for the third time that they’re marked a serial killer. The poor girl dies right in front of them, and locust are released. I had no idea how big locust were, I thought they were smaller.

We’re calling the new killers the Doomsday Killer. This season was aired in 2012 so it makes perfect sense. These guys are really twisted. They are recreating scenes from the book of revelations. Their lead is an old professor, and I think they’re on the right track.

Dexter has a new friend this season, Brother Sam. An ex-con who now sees the light of god and spreads the good word. He’s helping Dexter transition into his journey of faith. So when Harrison gets appendicitis he prays to god for his safe recovery. I don’t think I’ve seen Dexter so torn up. The only other time was with Astor last season.

So Deb has had to find a new replacement and she chooses a guy named Mike from Chicago, and well he is not used to Miami. He’s not used to how they dress for one, where he tells Deb she should dress up and not look like she’s going to a hoedown. She takes his advice there, but he also tells her to clean up her language, ha she’s not doing that anytime soon. Especially since her press conference went so well with the F word.

I also can’t tell if LaGuerta was being sincere when she gave Deb some advice or trying to get her fired. Either way, Deb is doing a good job.

Also the ice truck killer has been mentioned quite a few times, is something going to come back? Deb and Dexter mention it when they see the weird horse figures, and Vince has shown his intern the prosthetic hand, which she steals to sell online. I was always curious if that would come back. Now Vince has fired that intern and has hired a new, one to get him out of the mess he’s in.

So we find out that the Dooms Day killers are professor Gellar, and his student Travis. Dexter is on the hunt for Travis.

Deb is feeling the pressure of her new job. And now she’s feeling it at home. Having to give up her apartment (technically Dexter’s but moving on) so she’s moving out and into a house where one of their murders took place, since no one else will buy it, it’s kinda perfect.

I kinda like how close Quinn and Angel are getting since they’re partners now. They get high together, that was funny. Now they’ve traveled to question a possible suspect, and of course Quinn sleeps with her since he’s been sleeping with every girl since he and Deb broke up. I can’t believe that Deb momentarily lost the ring. She has Jamie look and find it, and lord do they not like each other.

Out of nowhere someone goes and shoots Brother Sam three times. I wonder if he’s going to die. The police are now on the case, but it’s Dexter who goes and figures out it’s a kid named Nick, one of the guys that Brother Sam was helping find the light.

Only Brother Sam doesn’t want Dexter to kill him, he wants him to forgive Nick. He wants Dexter to let go of the darkness. Question is, will Dexter do it?

The answer: no. He almost forgives him, but Nick opens his big mouth bragging that he got away with it that Dexter drowns him.

Then guess who’s baaaack: his brother. So now what, is Dexter going to be seeing his brother in his head instead of his father. Greeeeat.

Deb finds out about Quinn’s little sexcapade, and she’s pissed. She tells him it’s because he’ll ruin the case, but I think there’s more there.

She has a housewarming party and things get dark as Quinn shows up drunk as a skunk; he asks Deb if she ever loved him, and well she doesn’t say anything so he gets his answer. But I think she did love him, she just doesn’t want to admit it.

Also Vince’s new intern, the one good with computers is weird. He starts a conversation with Jamie telling her that he’s a video game creator, and that he’s making a new video game about homicide. Why do I feel like there is more to this story.

Now that Dexter is seeing his brother he’s becoming a whole new person it seems, more angrier and feeling the need to kill. I’m not going to lie I like him in Dexter’s head over his father.

So the Trinity killer is back. I was wondering what ever happened to that because they just kinda cut that story. So apparently the Trinity killer has striked again and Dexter is floored, because he killed him. My thought was that Jonah, the son killed his mother and sister. Now Dexter is on his way to Nebraska to hunt down Jonah. Of course it’s not easy because Jonah wants to kill Dexter. And Dexter gets so close until he pleads for him to kill him. That’s when we find out that his sister kills herself, and their mother blamed them for their father leaving, ugh so Jonah beat the shit out of her.

Brian, his brother begs him to kill him, and Dexter gets this idea that what if this was Harrison so he leaves. Jonah begs how he’s going to live with what he’s done, and Dexter tells him to forgive himself.

That’s also when he leaves Brian behind and let’s his father back into his head. Uh.

The Dooms Day killer is starting to pick up again. They strike again only this time using Travis’s sister. Travis wanted to get away from Gellar but Gellar won’t let him get away and so he kills his sister. Dexter wanted to help Travis but I don’t know how easy that’s going to be now that they know about him. Deb had interviewed Travis’s sister the day before.

Although Gellar did kidnap Travis so we’ll see. It’s Dexter that finds him in an abandoned church (in which he finds by visiting a retired priest with Alzheimer’s. It was weird to watch him confess to a priest who won’t remember and watch him be forgiven). But now Travis wants to help Dexter.

Deb and Dexter are fighting and it’s annoying. She’s mad that he keeps blowing her off, and finds out about his trip to Nebraska. I don’t know about those two.

Deb’s going to therapy now to go through her problems. I never really thought about everything she’s been through, so I think this could be good for her.

Then there’s Quinn on the other hand who is loosing his shit. He’s getting drunk and asking strippers to marry him. He’s definitely hurting.

It’s just dawned on me that Gellar is a literalist. He’s leaving body parts everywhere and just reading the Bible like it’s non fiction. I think his next victim is either Jamie, Angel’s sister or her new boyfriend, Louis, Vince’s intern.

So is Dexter all about getting rid of people’s “dark passenger”? First Lumen now Travis.

Gellar is on to Dexter but not to Travis so much. And just when we think Dexter has caught Gellar, we find out he’s dead?!?!?  WHAT?!?! We’re supposed to believe that it has been Travis all along and Gellar has been dead since the beginning. Holy, my brain can’t comprehend it.

So Travis still thinks that Gellar is alive, and we learn that he’s really psycho. Apparently he was the one to cause his parents to die. But now Dexter is no longer trying to save him, but kill him. Oh boy.

Dexter goes to kill him, and kills the wrong person. Travis has recruited a couple who really are invested in Travis’s cause. Travis taunts Dexter using Gellar’s blog, and so now Dexter knows he’s going after the girl he never killed. Dexter tries to save Holly before it’s too late, but well Travis gets to her first.

So now Dexter has killed one of Travis’s accomplices and the other just helped take down Angel. Damn. And it’s kinda Quinn’s fault because  he’s been acting like a douche and isn’t there for his partner.

Deb has also found herself in some hot shit. She finds out the dead girl who she thought ODed turns out someone was with her who tried cpr, their deputy chief Matthews. LaGuerta knew and that’s why she was trying to take the case away from Deb. But still. I wonder what will come of that, just like Deb having a panic attack.

So this all turns out to be a big game. Matthews goes to Deb to try and get her to drop the case. Deb doesn’t know what to do. In the end she really does nothing, and it’s LaGuerta who tells on Mathews so he’s asked to retire, at least he isn’t fired. But this was all LaGuerta getting back at Matthews making for making Deb lieutenant over Angel. Now she’s in control and can boss Deb around since Matthews isn’t there to baby her. That sucks.

Also Deb’s therapist throws out there that she should think of Dexter as not just a brother. To me that’s super creepy. She goes you guys aren’t blood related, but still, even if you’re not but you’ve spent your whole life as siblings it’s still incest. Blah. Now she’s having dreams about Dexter 😦

So Dexter calls the cops to warn the police of the “woodworm”. This is a first for him. He never wants to leave anything to the cops, but it’s a good thing he does because he saves a lot of lives. First he saves Angel’s life, because Quinn finally come to the rescue, what an ass.

We learn that the woodworm is a very poisonous gas, and Travis’s other accomplice has it and is taking it to the police station, right to Deb. It just so happens that as Dexter was looking up stuff on Travis’s accomplice Adam, he finds a picture of him and his wife and notices it’s the same girl who was waiting for Deb. He follows them and sees her push a button, and he saves the whole precinct by locking her in a room while everyone escaped.

Even though he’s okay, he’s still got some after effects that really mess things up.

He’s now back on the hunt to get Travis. He sends Travis a message that leads him to his boat. Just when he’s ready to strike he starts to feel the symptoms of the poisonous gas and he fumbles, and Travis hits him up with the tranquilizer. When Dexter wakes up he’s on a life boat and Travis has set fire all around him. Dexter is too late as Travis escapes.

Also who the fuck is Louise?!?!? Like what the fuck?!? Are all of Vince’s interns working together? Like the chick stole the ice truck killers prosthetic and now Louise the new intern is the one that bought it on eBay and he’s drawn on it and is now sending it to Dexter. WTF?!?

In the season finale Dexter almost winds up dead, but is recused by a boat of immigrants. He reaches shore just in time to see yet another crime scene from the Dooms Day Killer.

Ugh Deb and Dexter are annoying me. She’s all acting like she has a crush on him and it’s annoying. So when she tells him she loves him, he says it back for the first time. It isn’t until later that she admits to her therapist that she’s in love with him. Oh boy.

Angel wants Quinn to transfer, but Quinn doesn’t want to, and so he puts up a bit of a fight to stay.

To complete Travis’s killings to bring the new world he has to find himself a lamb of sorts. When he finds out that Dexter and his son are going to be in a Noah’s Ark pageant and Harrison is a lion he finds his sacrifice. He kidnaps him and almost gets away with it, but Dexter is there saving his son.

That’s when he takes Travis and prepares to kill him. Dexter does kill him, but guess who’s watching… Deb.

What the fuck?!?!?! How?! Why was she even at the church? Ugh. Why did they end the season like that. I have so many questions. I want her to know, but at the same time I liked that she didn’t. I liked that no one knew. Oh man. Where are we going with this.

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