Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #1 ðŸŒŸ

Hello friends! Today I’m starting a brand new journey by participating in WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 61
On page 46
On page 320









You’ll see that I’m going to be reading The Stand for many, many weeks to come as I’m reading this 2 chapters a week for my Stephen King Project. So far I’m really enjoying the set-up for what’s to come. There seems like there are going to be a lot of characters so I’m ready for the ride. I just started my re-read of the Uglies and I’ve been enjoying the concept of the novel; I honestly don’t remember any of this from when I read it as a teen. Lastly, I’m reading Two by Two in which I hope to finish soon; as much as this is long and I keep going, what’s going to happen, I’m loving every moment of this because it’s just so sweet.


The only book I’ve finished since last Wednesday (the new year) is Godsgrave. This trilogy is so good I can’t wait to dive into book number 3!







The only thing that is on my shelf waiting for me to read is Dark Dawn. I’m excited to dive in, but I’m sad to see this trilogy end.







What are you all reading?

10 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #1 ðŸŒŸ

    1. Basically in a nutshell I’m trying to read all of his books in order of publication date… even if I’ve read some of them already, I started from the beginning. So I’ve (re)read Carrie, ‘Salem’s Lot and (re)read The Shining, now I’m onto The Stand. I read about 2 chapters a week, and it’s been working out really well for me!
      I’ve already posted my thoughts on Carrie & ‘Salem’s Lot, The Shining should be up this month!
      /2018/09/28/the-stephen-king-project-carrie/ (if you’re interested)
      I’m going to be reading the Stand until about mid-year!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s a fun idea! I ended up reading the first few King books in publication order, by complete chance, as that was the order I bought & read them in charity shops at the time!

        ‘Salem’s Lot & The Shining were two of the books I wrote on in my university dissertation (which was on Stephen King lol) – the other two were Misery and It.

        Good luck with The Stand!! x


      2. Thank you! Oh that’s awesome! I’m going to take it you’re a King fan then? I have yet to read Misery, but I hear it’s great! I can’t wait to re-read IT when I get to it… years from now haha!
        Thanks! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I can understand the mixed reviews… Kristoff’s writing can be very, I don’t want to say brash, but it’s out there… it took a lot of getting used to for me, but that aside I really liked the story! Plus there is a lot of world building and footnotes, it’s a lot to take in!
      I hope you get to it soon, and that you enjoy it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw yay! You totally should re-read it! I’m only a few chapters in, I’m reading it so slow, but it’s definitely fascinating, more so than I remember! 🙂

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