Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’ve Decided I’m No Longer Interested In Reading

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday, I’m back at it again with another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is: Books I’ve Decided I’m No Longer Interested In Reading. Let’s get into it! 🙂

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic  is Books I’ve Decided I’m No Longer Interested In Reading

  1. Fifty Shades series by: E.L. James. Yes I’ve read all three in the original trilogy & the one she wrote in Christen’s POV, but it looks like she’s turning her original trilogy into his POV and I’m not into that.
  2. Alana, the First Adventure by: Tamara Pierce. This is another series I wanted to read because of Mark Reads, a guy named Mark who reads popular fiction and comments on it. Mark Reads Twilight was his first & it was amazing, since then he’s done a lot more. I’m not really into reading this anymore.
  3. Here Be Dragons by: James A. Owen. I was really into dragons years ago, but now I don’t think I’ll be reading this series.
  4. Reborn by: C.C. Hunter. I read her Born at Midnight series and as much as I did enjoy it, I wanted to read this spin-off series, but I don’t think I’ll be getting to it. I think my interest is gone.
  5. Ill Wind by: Rachel Caine. I was super obsessed with Rachel Caine years ago and her Morganville Vampires series was so good, but I don’t think I’m really interested in this anymore.
  6. Evernight by: Claudia Gray. I saw some of these books at the library and I was so excited to read them, but since the library doesn’t actually have the first book I don’t think I’ll be reading this.
  7. The Green Mile by: Stephen King. As much as I love Stephen King, I saw the movie and I feel like that’s good enough for me.
  8. Belzhar by: Meg Wolitzer. I only added this to my notebook of books to read because I saw it on a ‘to-read’ list back in 2014… I don’t know if I feel that interested about it.
  9. Ash & Bramble by: Sarah Prineas. I couldn’t even tell you what this is about so I’m letting this go.
  10. Afterworlds by: Scott Westerfeld. I added to this to be read because I read his Uglies series and really liked it, but now I’m indifferent to this book.

And that’s all for me. Do you agree? Disagree with my choices? Let me know! 🙂

11 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’ve Decided I’m No Longer Interested In Reading

  1. Love this idea!!! I’m constantly buying new books with allllll the good intentions to read them. Then one year later, they’re hidden under the newer ones and I’m no longer interested in them! Maybe I should make one of these lists and then donate them to a charity shop or a hospital library? Thank you for the inspiration! X

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  2. Great picks for this week Meghan. 🙂 I definitely can’t blame you for not wanting to carry on the Fifty Shades series. I can’t believe she’s re-writing the trilogy from Christian’s POV now, I mean, I haven’t read the first three books but I know people who did and they kind of got tired of the characters/story/series after the second one!
    Also I read the Evernight series, it was good but I can’t remember too much about it so I don’t think you’re missing much there either. 😀

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