
O.W.L.S Readathon Signup

Hi guys! I hope you’re doing well! I. Am. Exhausted. I’m glad it’s Friday; this week has kicked my butt. I hope you’re all keeping safe!

I’m here today to sign up for the O.W.L.S. readathon. I’m really excited because this is my first year participating! For years I’ve seen people do this and I’ve always wanted to join, but this year I really have to thank Alex @Whimsy Pages because she made the best post out there for breaking down each career and how many books you need to read for each, so a huge shout out to her!

This readathon takes place in April, and you can find all the info on the readathon’s webpage Magical Readathon.

So for me I decided I’m going to be a Librarian! I tried to get the photo to show up here… but it’s really small.

Because I know you can’t really read that… for my O.W.L.S I need to complete the following classes:

Ancient Runes
Defence Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

Now for the prompts. I have to tell you, this was SO hard working with the books I have since everything is closed, but alas here we go!

Ancient Runes: heart rune: heart on the cover or in the title.

For this I’m going with Heartless by: Marissa Meyer.







Arithmancy: magical qualities of number 2: balance opposites/read something outside your favourite genre.

Since I don’t really have a favourite genre I read anything but I’m going to go with a classic read for this. Oliver Twist by: Charles Dickens.

Defence Against the Dark Arts: Grindylows: book set at seas/coast.

Does being on an island count? Because I had to borrow a book from my brother to fill this prompt. Lord of the Flies by: William Golding.

History of Magic: Witch hunts: book featuring witches/wizards.

I don’t know much about A Shadow Bright and Burning by: Jessica Cluess but it talks about sorcerers and witches so I’m going with it.






Transfiguration: Animagus lecture: book/series that includes shapeshifting.

Now will be my time to read Chain of Gold by: Cassandra Clare as there are werewolves in this world.







And those are the books I plan to read in the month of April. Are you participating in the O.W.L.S? Share with me your TBRs!

14 thoughts on “O.W.L.S Readathon Signup

  1. Ah best of luck for this readathon! So curious to hear your thoughts on Heartless, I love Marissa Meyer, but I’ve seen so many mixed reviews about this book. I hope you’ll enjoy it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 😀
      Oh really? I feel like I’ve heard mixed reviews too, but I haven’t heard too much about the book for a while, will definitely keep you posted! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. YAYAYAYA!!!! 😀 I hope you’ll have tons of fun participating in this read-a-thon!

    I haven’t decided what career I want to follow yet. I think I’ll just “sit exams” for the subjects I’m most interested in – Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic, etc. and then see what I end up getting. D:
    Basically my plan is a lack of thereof.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m planning on it! I think I may do a day to day update on my Instagram just so I have something fun to look forward to!

      I found it hard because I have to pick from what I currently have with me, but I pulled it together ha! That sounds like a good idea, there should be at least one career that you’ll be able to fall into! I wish you luck in figuring it out! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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