Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween/Creepy Freebie (Stephen King Edition)

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday, I’m back at it again with another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is:Halloween/Creepy Freebie. Let’s get into it! ๐Ÿ™‚

Top Ten Tuesday was created byย The Broke and the Bookishย in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic isย Halloween/Creepy Freebie, which could potentially mean anything! I’m really bad at coming up with topics on my own, I need to be prompted otherwise things crumble. I’m going to be lame and I’m going to rate from 1-10 the scariest Stephen King books I’ve read. Yep, very unoriginal but I’m on a King kick so I’mma do me.

  1. IT. This book for sure is number 1 for me. This book had me jumping at shadows, and things that weren’t there.
  2. Finders Keepers. Man, this trilogy was a whirlwind. I read it out of order and that really made it that much creepy.
  3. Children of the Corn. This short story was creeeeepyyyy. When it comes to children, things get creepy.
  4. The Shinning. This then leads into this novel. The Shinning was creepy on many levels.
  5. Duma Key.ย I don’t know what to say about this novel other than things got weird when our main character moves to Duma Key.
  6. Wolves of the Calla (The Dark Tower #5). This novel was a trip of a read and blurred the lines between his fictional world and the real world and it was just a creepy/freaky read.
  7. Doctor Sleep (The Shinning #2). This just continues the creep of The Shinning, but not as intensely.
  8. Bag of Bones. When the ghosts come out to play, things get spooky and creepy.
  9. Lisey’s Story.ย To be honest, I wish I remember more about this book (I can’t wait to get to it on my King Project), but from what I do remember it was creepy and took place in the dark.
  10. Under the Dome. I didn’t really find this creepy, but it was a little scary to see a huge dome come down and everyone go after one another.

That’s all for me! What Halloween/Creepy topic did you chose?

14 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween/Creepy Freebie (Stephen King Edition)

  1. IT is definitely the scariest Stephen King book that I have read as well! That book completely freaked me out. The Shining is a close second. I’m actually reading Bag of Bones at the moment, so I’m glad to see it on your list. ๐Ÿ˜€

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  2. I’ve never read any of Stephen King’s books (his work is a little too scary for me, if I have to read horror I prefer light horror) but I have seen the film version of IT and if the book is anywhere near as scary I can see why it was number one on your list this week.
    Great picks for this week, when it comes to Halloween Stephen King’s books are a perfect topic. ๐Ÿ˜€

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  3. Creepy sounds scary but I am curious of that book It. I see it on almost everyoneโ€™s Instagram post. I need to read it before the year ends ๐Ÿ˜Š Great post! I need a bit more persuasion to read Kingโ€™s books. ๐Ÿ˜‚

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