Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #15 🌥

Hello friends! Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

I hope you’re all continuing to stay safe. I’m still at home, working, and just hoping things will ease up soon. It’s been getting cold again here, and it even tried to snow today 😦 I just want some nice weather!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 299
On page 163
On page 290









The Stand: I’m 25% of the way through; I’m so close to 300 pages… SO close! I can’t believe I’ve been at this book for 17 weeks and I’m only a quarter of the way through… only 22 more weeks though. In one of the chapters I read, I met a man who likes to set things on fire so I’m now curious about this character.
Specials: I’m 42% of the way through; this series is just going downhill for me. I’m going to finish it, but this constant nagging of ‘your boy Tally’ from Shay is annoying; I just want them to be friends again and it’s just getting in the way of the overall story.I am curious to see what will happen to Tally and Shay now that they’ve gone rogue as Specials to save some of their old friends.
Lastly I’m reading Oliver Twist by: Charles Dickens for my O.W.L. in Arithmancy, reading a book out of your comfort zone. This is definitely out of my comfort zone… I’m not really sure why I bought it 3 years ago, I guess I heard it was good and a lot of people like it, but I’m just finding it ok. I’m going to finish it because I want to, but it has been nothing special.

*I also want to add here that I’m reading Emma by: Jane Austen… I was hoping to finish it before April 1… but that wasn’t the case so I’m “currently” reading it, but it’s on hold for the time being.










I finished my third O.W.L, although if I’m being real with all of you, I was supposed to read A Shadow Bright and Burning by: Jessica Cluess for my History of Magic O.W.L which is a book about witches/wizards and this wasn’t really that. The main character thought she was a witch, but it turns out she’s not and it was a really interesting novel that I very much enjoyed, I just may have to pick up a Harry Potter novel and binge read it to feel like I fairly passed this O.W.L.



With O.W.L.S readathon happening this month, (yay!) I’ve had to shape the books I have to fit the prompts. The last book I have to read for my O.W.L.S is: Chain of Cold by: Cassandra Claire. I have very high hopes of reading this soon!









I’m keeping Anger is a Gift by: Mark Oshiro here just in case I get to it. 

What are you all reading?

9 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #15 🌥

  1. I agree with your feelings on Oliver Twist I feel the same and can never manage to actually finish reading it. currently am reading Goldenhand by Garth Nix which is going okay although I’m reading at a snails pace

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, haha I’m determined to finish Oliver Twist… I’m close now about 90 pages. I don’t quite get why people like it, but at least I can say I’ve read it!
      Oh I’ve never heard of Goldenhand. Hopefully it turns out to be a wonderful read! I read some of the synopsis on Goodreads and it sounds intriguing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know what you mean, I wish I liked classics more than I do. My favourite is the Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde. Great book!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. HA! I know it must seem like I’m reading it forever! It’s 1153 pages, but yes I’m only reading two chapters per week. That’s how I’ve decided to read all of King’s books. So once I finish the Stand… that will be the day, I believe I’m reading The Dead Zone.
      I feel you on how daunting the size is, plus I’m reading the uncut version haha… but I’m liking it. It’s very slow to start, I’m hoping it’s going to pick up, but I like the set up!

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  2. Ahh I’m sorry the Uglies series is going downhill a little bit for you, though I understand! I feel like Specials was my least favorite of the lot, I still found it really good, but… I don’t know, it didn’t hold the same excitment as the previous books.
    Happy reading! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m liking Specials more than Pretties right now, but yeah I was so excited to re-read this series and now I just want it to be over… which sounds so bad! 😦
      Thank you! Same to you! ❤️

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