Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy

Hi friends, happy Monday! It’s yet Monday again, and I just really wish it was still the weekend, but unfortunately it’s not. Plus the time went back an hour so losing an hour was a bummer too. But enough of that, today I’m here to review Cassandra Clare’s novel Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by: Cassandra Clare: Simon has decided that he’s going to go to the Shadowhunter Academy for a better life to become a Shadowhunter. After partially losing his memory to a demon, he now has to reinvent himself, although he tries to be the Simon everyone knows and loves. This novel really dived deep into Simon as a character. Not only that but it dived into issues that characters from all of Clare’s other series and trilogies face. It was great to see old characters again, as well as the ones we love; Clare did a great job of bringing them all together to tell their stories. All the relationships Simon has with them all were so well done; they were heartwarming and entertaining to read. Some of the plots were a little over the top and felt like they were only added to make the fans happy or satisfied. Although some plots just didn’t make any sense and was thrown in from out of nowhere, it felt so forced and not natural at all. The pacing was a little weird too; there was no point to let the reader know that years were passing, we’re just to assume that, that is what’s happening, as Simon makes his way through school. Lastly, that ending; we’re led to believe we know things will be alright, but then we get hit with a boulder we weren’t prepared for; definitely a crazy ride of a read that any Shadowhunter fan will enjoy.

8 thoughts on “Review: Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy

  1. Great review for this book Meghan. I did skim read parts because I’ve yet to read all of the Shadowhunter books but this sounds like an amazing novella collection. I remember really loving the secondary characters in the first TMI trilogy so it’s great seeing Simon get his own book, so to say, I can’t wait to get around to this one once I’ve read all the other Shadowhunter books out there! 😀

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  2. Great review Meghan! This is the only Shadowhunters book I haven’t read yet! That’s a shame since I absolutely love Simon. I’m going to need to read this before Lord of Shadows comes out.

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