Book Lists & Recommendations

Bookstores Across Ontario Part 6

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I hope all is well. Today I’m so excited to be bringing to you guys, my sixth bookstores across Ontario post! I will be diving into 13 bookstores in the Guelph/Waterloo/Kitchener area, let’s get into it!

Read more: Bookstores Across Ontario Part 6

For Canadian Independent Bookstore Day (April 27), I was able to get out there and check out 9(!) bookstores across the Guelph/Waterloo area! I love that this has become a tradition for me every year!

This year, the weather, like last year, didn’t want to cooperate, so we were out in the rain a bit, but that’s not going to stop me! It did get sunny by the end of the day, so that made a it a nice way to end the day… that and a bag full of books! 📚😄

Then a few weeks later I went out with one of my best friend’s to complete the list of bookstores that I didn’t get to on CIBD, and we visited another 4!

In this blog I went to bookstores in Acton, Fergus, Elora, Guelph, Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge and Brantford.
If you’re curious about parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 you can check out my trips to:

Mississauga, Etobicoke, Bolton and Orangeville
Burlington and Hamilton
Toronto (part 1)
St. Catherines, Niagara, Fort Erie and Port Colborne
Toronto (part 2)


Our first stop was to What the Dickens Books & Curios. From the outside, it doesn’t look like much, but once you step inside, it extends quite a ways! I was impressed by the selection, as most used bookstores have a wide selection. Lots to look at and the owner was so friendly and nice. An overall great experience. It was also really quiet. This is located at 145 Mill St. E

Facebook: What the Dickens Books & Curios


Our second stop was the Bookery. This had such a Scottish feel to it, I’m not sure if it actually specializes in Scottish things, but the vibe was really cool. On top of that, this was laid out like a labyrinth in the back – the shelves weaved in and out of each other and it was really cool to get lost in there. This is a used bookstore and their selection on classics was amazing! I could have left with so many books! This is located at 191 St Andrew St. W

Website: The Bookery
Facebook: The Bookery
Instagram: @bookeryfergus


Our third stop was to Magic Pebble Books. This was a small shop, but it was full of people, which was so nice to see! They had a good selection of mostly newer fiction/non-fiction. They also had a good classics section, too. It had a nice clean, fresh look to it and the owner was nice. It didn’t take long to look around, so I made my rounds a few times. This is located at 153 Geddes St.

Website: Magic Pebble Books
Facebook: Magic Pebble Books
Instagram: @magicpebbleelora

Our fourth stop was Cordial Clove Books and if I had to pick a favourite of the day, I think it would be this one. Not only was this shop so cute, like hello little blue house! But I automatically bonded with the shop owner. We poured over our love of Stephen King (plus they had the edition I’ve been looking years for of Mr. Mercedes), so it was an all around great experience! This had so many new and used books; the classic section was also spectacular. They also sold crystals if you’re into that. So it was just a really pleasant experience; would 100% go back! This is walking distance from the bookstore above and is located at 62 Metcalfe St.

Website: Cordial Clove Books
Facebook: Cordial Clove Books
Instagram: @cordialclovebooks


Our fifth stop was Sunrise Books. This store is tucked away in a strip mall plaza, so we almost missed it! My gosh, this place was stacked floor to ceiling with books; it’s one of those places were you feel extremely overwhelmed because you don’t know where to look. It’s really funny because I bought the smallest book (The Prince by: Machiavelli) at probably the largest selection of books. The prices are great because they are a used bookstore and they have the widest selection… it just might take you a while to find what you’re looking for. I feel like my suggestion for this place… and places like it, don’t go with anything specific in mind, just go to browse because it’s likely you’ll find something, whether you were looking for it or not. This is located at 366 Speedvale E.

They don’t have an online presence, unfortunately.

Our sixth stop was The Bookshelf; I really like the design of their logo on the building, really cute. This place had an assortment of things, I believe a theatre is attached or is upstairs, there’s a restaurant – it’s pretty neat and it’s got a chill vibe. They have a lot of newer titles and just lots to look at it. They are located downtown Guelph at 41 Quebec St.

Website: The Bookshelf
Facebook: The Bookshelf
Twitter: @bookshelfnews
Instagram: @bookshelfnews

Our next stop was walking distance from the bookstore above and it was to Janus Books. This bookstore was very small, and very busy! So many people out enjoying Independent Bookstore Day! I almost didn’t buy anything from here, but last minute decision! They had a huge collection of Star Trek books and I loved it… not one of the books I went home with, but I’ve always been super interested in reading one! The owner is super nice and his mom helps out, which I thought was really cute! This has a mix of new and used books. An overall, wonderful experience. This is located at 10 Paisley St.

Website: Janus Books
Facebook: Janus Books
Twitter: @JanusBooks
Instagram: @janusbooksguelph


Our eighth stop was to Words Worth Books, another smaller store… but another very busy store! Again, I almost didn’t leave with anything, but after browsing the shelves multiple times… I found something, plus I also left with my choosing of an ARC. The one I chose doesn’t come out until July… but I doubt I’ll get to it in time, but that’s ok! If this store hadn’t been so busy, I think it could have a cozy feel to it. I felt like I was always bumping into someone. This store is located at 96 King St. S

Website: Words Worth Books
Facebook: Word Worth Books
Twitter @BooksWordsWorth
Instagram @wordsworthbooks

Our ninth stop and last stop on Independent Bookstore Day was to Old Goat Books. Strange name, but lovely people who owned it and the place is in an older house with rooms filled with shelves of books. I’ve been to a few bookstores like this and I just find them so homey (probably because it was once a home) and cozy. This was walking distance (about 10 minutes) from the bookstore above and it’s a used bookstore that carries a wide selection of books. I got a Stephen King book, which I’m happy about. This is located at 99 King St. S

Website: Old Goat Books
Facebook: Old Goat Books
Instagram: @oldgoatbooks


A few weeks later a friend and I continued on my journey through some of the bookstores on my list. The first one we went to was K.W. Bookstore. This used bookstore is tucked away on the main street but it’s got a lot of books, and it’s got records and comics, too! There was definitely a lot to look at it so it was fun browsing all the shelves. This is located at 308 King St. W

Facebook: KW Bookstore
Twitter: @KWBookstore
Instagram: @kwbookstore

Our next stop was walking distance from the store above, A Second Look Books & More. From the outside, this store looks small and cute… this store extends very far back! I only got around to one part of the store; the second half, the extended half was more DVDs, I even saw VHS, CDs, records and more. They had so much, I almost didn’t leave with anything; it was very last minute that I found a book I didn’t think I’d find – a picture book, essentially that Stephen King wrote a few things for, for my Stephen King project, I’m so happy! This is primarily a used bookstore, but I saw some newer books there, too. The staff at this place are so friendly and I would definitely go back. This is located at 31 King St. W

Website: A Second Look Books & More
Facebook: A Second Look Books & More
Instagram: @asecondlookbooks


Our next stop was to Cambridge, such a pretty looking town, if only the weather was a little bit nicer, but that’s ok! Our next bookstore was Rookery Books. This place was so small and cute and they had so many books I wanted to take home with me… the book I did pick up was so pretty… you’ll see once I post a book haul. There were a group of other fellow readers who came into the store and they helped me save a bookshelf of books that toppled over when I accidentally moved one. 😅 Another really cute store I’d like to go back to. This is located at 25 Main St Unit 101.

Website: Rookery Books
Facebook: Rookery Books
Twitter: @BookRookery
Instagram @rookerybookstore

After this we decided to take the 16 minute walk… uphill… to a bookstore that was closed permanently, Millponds Records and Books. Well, at least we got our exercise in. We then drove to Paris (Ontario) and that bookstore was permanently closed, too, Green Heron Books.


So our last stop was to Brantford to The Brantford Bookworm. It’s a small little place that’s really tucked away. It kinda feels like you’re entering a basement, but a cozy basement full of books, which was really nice. The owner was super chill and nice, he was really quiet but he didn’t shoo us or rush us out even though we left 5 minutes after closing. I wanted to buy something, but there just wasn’t anything I truly wanted. This is located at 331 Brant Ave.

Website: The Brantford Bookworm
Facebook: The Brantford Bookworm

And we have made it to the end! Thanks for reading! Have you been to any of these stores? Any independent bookstores you’d recommend in Ontario? Hit me up in the comments!

9 thoughts on “Bookstores Across Ontario Part 6

  1. There are so many cute ones in your list, I love the look of Cordial Clove Books! It’s too bad about the closures, I’ve come across a couple here in Vancouver that are closed permanently, but I’m glad there are so many you could visit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It was such a fun experience exploring them all! It is unfortunate, but there are still SO many I have left to visit that it’s okay if a few are closed… I just feel bad for the store owners! One day if I ever make it to Vancouver I’m going to have to check out some of the ones you’ve been too! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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