TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… The Good Place Season Three

Hi friends! It’s TV Tuesday, today I’m talking about everything The Good Place, season three!

The season picks up right where we left off everyone has been brought by to Earth and of course Michael plays God with all of their lives to make sure they don’t die.

Michael has to get approved by the Judge to go to Earth and then he has to make it past the Doorman. He’s a funny character because he’s so monotone, but he loves frogs SO much, it’s awesome! The Doorman is starting to get suspicious after his third time going to Earth, and I have to say so am I.

So Eleanor flies all the way to Australia after seeing Chidi’s lecture (after Michael works his godly magic). She goes and asks him to help her be a better person, and he just agrees. That makes her wonder, but then he jumps into how he had a near death experience where he wanted to change his life and gets his head checked, where he meets Simone. Things go well until his friend gets really hurt after he tells him to stop being afraid of things. That’s when Chidi runs into Michael… and he puts on a horrible Australian accent, but I did love the Chocolate Rain reference… Chocolate Book haha!

So Chidi and Eleanor are now back on track…

This is so relatable

Oh, no, are we creating a love triangle?!? I don’t think I’m too happy about this, but I’m very curious to see where it goes. Now Eleanor is playing matchmaker with Chidi and Simone, I kinda like it.

We then find out that Michael is following them closely and he’s mad that Simone is in the way so he needs to get the other two to Australia, Janet has a big point, how is he going to get them to Australia?

We also find out that Shawn, the demon, is trying to still take down these four humans. He’s trying to hack in and see where they are so he can kill them.

So Chidi starts this new program calling for anyone who has had a near death experience so he can study their brains, with Simone’s help.

Now we see Tahani almost die and when everyone says her sister saved her, but she doesn’t want to believe it so she devotes her life to helping people until she gets found, so she writes a book. Obviously Michael jumps in to make sure she makes it to Australia and that’s when Chidi calls her.

Then we see Jason, ugh, he almost dies, so he decides to join a dance competition and win, when he loses one too many times, Michael has to really, really steer Jason in the right direction so eventually he makes it to Australia.

THERE’S GOING TO BE SOMEONE JOINING THEM!?!? Ew, Trevor from the bad place, ew. This season shall be interesting. I like how all the dynamics are shifting a bit, it’s better than being very predictable so I like it. So Trevor’s job is to break the “team” up.

I don’t understand why the episodes are so wordy and full of bad jokes, but that aside seeing Eleanor want to be with Chidi is adorable… even though he’s with Simone. Oh my god the weird American restaurant they go to is horrible and reminds me of the Golden Coral.

Michael now has to get Trevor away from his “subjects” but he knows he can’t show his face to them again because they’ve already seen him. So he sends Janet. That turns interesting because she no longer has her powers and she’s got so much hatred for Trevor, and no one notices?

I really like what Janet says about the human world, humans live 80 years waiting for things to end. It’s so true though when you think about it, it made me sad, but damn it was eye opening.

Well Trevor’s mission to break them up turns out to be easier than they thought. But is it really?

Eleanor doesn’t come to class, so Chidi goes to her to beg her to come back as she’s contemplating going back to Arizona. He gets through to her and she stays.

Well the judge finally learns that Michael has been taking waaay more than one trip to Earth and that they’re really meddling in human affairs.
Side note, what was she doing when she was talking? Like all her gestures were so over the top it was hard to listen to what she was saying because all you could see was her body movements.

She wants to send them to the bad place, but obviously they don’t want to go, Janet would turn to marble and Michael would cease to exist. What saves them? Janet, so it turns out she’s like a printer… which I thought was the best analogy for this! Everything she wished for while she was human got stuck in the queue, and now that she has her powers again everything comes out! This creates a wall where they are able to get to the door to Earth, and then Jeff the doorman comes to their rescue by giving them the keys. Yes, Jeff! I love when he tells the judge, “they escaped” haha!

Now Michael and Janet are banned from the world above and are stuck on Earth. They have to keep the team together without power. The way that Janet can still read people and know everything is creepy, but it fits Janet’s personality.


I thought that they were going to stop with Michael’s Australian accent, but he continues on with it, ugh!

In the efforts to get Jason and Tahani from sleeping with each other, Janet finds her a new guy, her ex Larry Hemsworth, who is supposed to be one of the Hemsworth brothers. He actually proposes to her and they’re going to move to England; this now puts a kink their plan to keep the team together.

Wow, Eleanor gets really pissed, or more like heartbroken when she realizes that the team will be breaking up.  It’s actually really sweet to see, even if it’s not ever the most gracious.

The team agree to meet every year and Michael is still trying to get them to stay in Australia. He gets so worked up, I have to say this whole plot is getting so stale, we need to move on. And we get just that, Michael and Janet try to get back to the other world, and the team sees the weird portal.

They have so many questions, and Michael just wants to get out of there. Oh, ok, so now Michael is pretending to be the FBI, but Eleanor can smell their bullshit. Now he’s forced to tell them about the afterlife and their deaths. Wowzah, talk about a mindfuck. Watching these characters try and figure this out is hilarious. Now that they know they are going to the bad place, or “hell” they don’t know what the meaning of living is for.

Chidi of course has a meltdown, takes his shirt off, buys a shit tone of food then for his lecture makes marshmallow chili, ew. Eleanor does good, and Tahani takes Jason and gives out all her money. In order for her to give Jason money, the two get married. I didn’t see that coming.

Eleanor now has this though, since she knows they aren’t getting into the good place, so her plan is for all 6 of them to do good to others to help others get into the good place.

The whole plot with Larry was so strange, and I, of course forgot all about it until it came to Tahani at the airport and he’s there ready to get married.

Well Tahani just leaves him because now she’s off to Jacksonville, Florida with Michael and Jason to help save Jason’s dad… Donkey Doug, this explains a lot about his character, his dad is an older version of him. His dad does a lot of illegal things and Jason thinks that if he can get his dad on the right path, he’ll be ok. Well things change because he finds out his best friend Pill Boy is alive and he now wants to save him. I think that went over well…

… a lot better than Chidi. So now that he knows about the Good and Bad place he feels he needs to break up with Simone. He is put through a simulator to try and do it, but he pretty much fails every time. When it comes to the real thing he completely botches it… but he does at least talk to her after. When she says “see you in another life” Chidi completely freaks going “what do you know?!” ha! I’m not going to lie, I’m glad they broke up because I’m SO rooting for Eleanor and Chidi.

Speaking of Eleanor, she finds out her mother isn’t actually dead, so it’s back to the USA for her. So we find out her mom has a whole new life with a whole new name and family. At first Eleanor thinks it’s all a sham, then she gets upset because she can’t figure out why her mother changed for her new family and she thinks she wasn’t worth changing for. Uh, talk about emotional baggage.

I feel bad for her because clearly she didn’t have the childhood she wanted, but you can see how Michael is really trying to help her. Although that bomb that Michael drops on her, that she and Chidi loved each other, ha!

Then there’s Tahani who is off to Budapest to reunite with her sister. At first things don’t go well at all… but it’s when she realizes that all of her sister’s paintings have the same theme that it represents the two of them. She realizes that it was their horrible parents who put them against each other. But seeing them come together was actually really beautiful.

So now that Eleanor knows she was in love with Chidi she wants to know everything so she makes him show her. I love watching the two fall in love, but you can tell that Michael is holding back on something. Apparently it was because he doesn’t want her to know how mean he was to her.

There’s a lot of flashbacks, usually I don’t like them, but reliving all these memories is fun and heartwarming.

Now Eleanor thinks that Michael made her fall in love with Chidi because she doesn’t have free will in the Good Place. It’s now Michael who proves that she does, and that she probably still does love Chidi.

Ooo what is up evil Shawn’s sleeve? He’s brought Vicky to Earth with him.

Oh lord now we’re in Calgary, Canada. Oh my god they use the word “hozer” I’m dying!

Eleanor goes to Tahani for advice about telling Chidi about her past feelings, that don’t seem to be quite in the past. I love her advice “It’s never a bad idea to tell someone how you feel” true words.

Michael and Janet find this guy Doug who is all about, ok maybe obsessed with getting into the good place, oh my god this guy is a riot. So obsessed with doing good, even if it hurts him.

I should have known Shawn was looking for Michael… instead he found the gang in a bar.

Damn, when Michael does show up to the bar they have to beat Shawn and his minions. What a fight, I loved every second of it, plus to top it off that’s when Eleanor tells Chidi that she loves him!

Oh shit, dozens of demons show up so now Janet goes to put them in this void… and they all turn into Janet. I gotta give it up to that actress, her acting is impeccable. She really nails all the characters, and I know that it’s hard to act like someone else.

Chidi and Eleanor are trying to work their issues, but Chidi really doesn’t want to.

So Eleanor tries to get him to talk about his feelings, and the more he denies the more Janet’s void starts to fall apart. It gets to the point where Chidi really has to talk her down. The speech that Chidi gives her when she melts down is so beautiful.

What’s weird is that he admits to pretty much loving her and when he kisses her well they are both still Janet so it looked so awkward but when they turn back into themselves it’s really cute and really sweet. I love those two!

On top of that Jason sees things Janet has kept hidden. He finds out that the two of them were married and that Janet loves him. This whole subplot between Janet and Jason has been so weird; why don’t they just get together? The show keeps throwing all their old flings at each other to just hurt them and I’m really like, just get together already! Maybe next season.

While this is all happening in the void, the real Janet and Michael head to an accountant to see if they can help get them to the good place. Turns out that no one has been to the good place in over 500 years, damn!

What they do discover is a button that will take them to either the good or the bad place.

After Eleanor has her meltdown and pretty much breaks the void, the team end up in the same office as Janet and Michael. They end up using that to escape to the good place.

Which looks more like the back door to the good place.

OMG, Nicole the host of Nailed It appears as the mail lady, I love every minute of this! Just when I was getting a little bored, the show really brings me back in every. Single. Time!

She’s just as great on here as she is on Nailed It.

Now that they’re searching for a way to get to the real good place, as well as trying to prove there is a problem with the point system on how to get into the good place.

Jason thinks it’s a great time to talk to Janet. Janet is embarrassed and tries to brush it off, you can see that Tahani is jealous about all of this because Jason doesn’t know how he feels about Janet. I’m not really feeling this love triangle that is trying to happen.

They get told that there is a door that leads to the good place and Eleanor is desperate to get it open. Watching her try and Chidi support her is so cute, I’m so happy for them I can’t get enough of them! I’m glad we get to see so much of them.

What the heck is happening this season?! I feel we’ve hit so many dimensions that man it’s hard to keep track. Plus, it’s gotten really philosophical, although it really gives a layer to the show that really makes you think, especially about things you’ve never really thought about but are always there.

I do like that we have Jason make a great point about humans and their choices. This really brings it home to the judge about the whole point system and how it’s flawed.

It helps the judge learn how bad earth is so now she wants Shawn from the bad place to weigh in on her decision about if the four have actually become good or still belong in the bad place.

Ahhhhh Derek is back!! Oh my he is so different and claiming to be smarter. He’s been staying with Mindy and apparently she’s rebooted him over a million times.

The gang end up in the median place to start a fake good place and bring new humans that Janet is going to create so that they can start over once more with this experiment.

Oh my, Shawn creates a bad place replica of Michael, damn, this is going to be fun.

They bring their first human into the good place, John, but Michael doesn’t want to go through with it knowing that an evil Michael can show up at any time. He’s so scared, Eleanor takes over for him. Now she’s the new Michael, I like this.

This new John guy is a dick and is so annoying. Listening to him talk is painful. He was a gossip columnist who we find out wrote about Tahani.

That’s when we learn that Shawn didn’t pick the worst people from the bad place, but the worst people for each of the gang members.

Ooo the next person to show up is Simone, Chidi’s ex-girlfriend.

Chidi wants to erase his memory because he can’t deal with Simone being in their good place. Eleanor doesn’t want that because that means erasing her from his memory nooooooooo.

You can count on Jason for comedic relief. When Chidi decides to delete his memory and everyone goes along with it, Jason asks him if he’ll remember eating pizza together in Australia he says no, but when he asks if he’ll remember actual pizza, and he says yes and he goes it’s not a complete loss.

Michael gives Chidi and Eleanor a film of them, the good, the bad, the ugly, the cute. Gosh, it was so cute, not going to lie, tears came to my eyes because they are too cute, I can’t have him not remembering who she is.

But they did it anyways. GAH! I can’t believe they ended the season like that!!!! They’re just going to be treating him like a fresh new human to the good place. I hope we get to watch them fall in love all over again next season.

3 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… The Good Place Season Three

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