Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #23 ðŸ‘—

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 248
On page 33

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 21% of the way; so, uhm I’m still at the same spot I was last week. I hoping to get back to this next week!

The Bachman Books; 5% of the way; continuing with Rage. I like that we’re starting to learn more about the main character as it’s bringing the story together and I’m now understanding more because before I wasn’t sure what I was reading but things are becoming clearer.

Lastly, I’m reading A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by: Roseanne A. Brown. This novel is slow paced, but I’m enjoying it. I really like Malik’s character; the way his anxiety is written is really relatable and I just really like him. I can’t wait to see where this goes.

What I’ve Read:


On page

Last week I finally finished reading 4 3 2 1 by: Paul Auster; I feel like I’ve been reading it for eons! It wasn’t my favourite book – I didn’t care for the plot, but the main character was really interesting and that’s what really kept me going. The ending was meta and I hate meta endings so after almost 900 pages I felt disappointed.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #22👙

Review: Once a King

Review: Dirty Birds

The Stephen King Project: The Dead Zone

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Fadwa @Word Wonders posted a Color the Shelves with authors Sarena and Sasha Nanu talking about their favourite twin/look a-like swap movies – this had so many of my favourite movies that this has intrigued me to read their book Sisters of the Snake (plus they are fellow Canadians and Mary-Kate and Ashley fans!)

CW @The Quiet Pond had author Adiba Jaigirdar on the blog to discuss why nuanced parents in queer YA is needed – this was such a great discussion to read and something to think about

Since our stay at home order has been lifted (yay!) my friends and I took the chance to head out to the beach. I haven’t been to the beach in at least 5 years, so it was really good to get out. It was SO hot out, but the water was cold so it felt nice. We went to Grand Bend, Ontario and it was a lovely time. This week was also library week so I got new books and I took a trip to Starbucks! Yum!

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 6. I’m keeping this here; I just haven’t watched an episode this week.

One Tree Hill; season 8. The theme for this season is “what comes next” Brooke has given up her company and is struggling with what to do; Nathan is working on becoming an agent… which means going back to school; Clay and Quinn are trying to heal, but I forgot that Quinn goes to Dan on how to kill Katie, like that’s going to help her. I’m glad to see we’re moving past the girl hate with Mia and Alex, and I can’t forget about Erin, I like her as a character.

Orange is the New Black; season 5. I forgot how we left season 4 off, in utter chaos, and that’s how this seasons starts. The prisoners have taken over and are holding the guards hostage. It’s been really strange, I get where the prisoners are coming from, but there are times when it feels like things go too far.

What I’ve watched:

The Dead Zone; season 1. I honestly thought I had more epiosdes in this season, but the episode I did watch last Friday felt like a finale… in which it was. After deviating from the book for most of the season, the show brought the book back where we meet Greg Stillson and bad things are going to happen as this ended on a cliff hanger. I enjoyed this for the most part, there were some plots I didn’t really enjoy and I wish the characters were less 1 dimensional, maybe in season 2, which yes I’m going to be watching.

The Good Doctor; season 4. This wrapped up for the season (no idea if it’s coming back for another season) and they’re still in Guatemala, or well they’re wrapping up their surgeries and we realize that the point of them all going on this trip was to find themselves after a trying year. Morgan and Park finally realize they love each other; Lea finds a baby to take care of to heal her grief and she realizes how much she loves Shaun and so they decide to get married; Claire decides to stay in Guatemala to finally be a doctor who cares too much; and even Marcus has to decide if his marriage is worth fighting for. It was a nice ending for the season; it was happy and hopeful.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this movie… but this wasn’t exactly what I expected it to be. Sure there were funny moments, but sometimes they went too over the top to be funny and it just kinda fell flat. Plus the whole trope where every type of transportation breaks down got kinda tiring after it kept happening over and over and over again.

Little. I was looking for something to watch and this came up, this was cute and funny and I ended up liking it more than I thought I was going to. When a successful woman, who bullies her employees gets turned back to being little, she must manoeuvre her way through being 13 all over again until she learns her lesson, and becomes a better person. Pretty typical but there were some pretty funny moments throughout.

Superbad. re-watch. I needed something mind-numbing to watch and what better than Superbad. This was such a stupid funny movie.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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